I slowly woke up into a plain white room. I felt the cold chains around my wrist and ankles. I felt sluggish and I remembered the pain that they gave.
Where am I?
Ahhhh.... Why does my head and my wings hurt soo much....
Everything was fuzzy but one thing was sure, I knew I was in danger and I didn't care how much I would hurt myself. I gathered all the power I had and rattled and pulled on the chain but they wouldn't budge. I was too weak.
They chopped them off!
I remembered the pain from my wings and instinctively tried to move them. Thankfully I felt them and I could see them as I moved them up and around me. This was when I realized that my wings weren't chained.
Me: *relieved exhale*
Thank god they are still there...
Wait but that means.... How long was I out?
Never mind, I need to get out of here!
My feathers may be soft but I still had a lot of strength in them and so I used my wing to somehow tangle a couple of my feathers below my chains and pulled them. My feather was in between the table and myself and so I made a quick opening motion with my wing and busted the chain off. I did the same with all the chains until I was free.
Good that they were not chained at all!
Still chaining a kid to a table and experimenting on him...
This is not the hero commission. They wouldn't have done something like that! They would have rather tried breaking my soul instead of experimenting on me.
Now it was now or never. I knew I didn't have much time and once I pulled the mask off my face, I instantly felt the chain in air.
They forcefully made me stay here!
How long am I even here?
That's not important now!
I need to get out of here!
Guess I am lucky that my body got used to the tranquilizer huh...
I quickly stood up only to stumble and fall to the ground. My whole body was shaking and I could see all the bandages I had on my legs and arms as well as around my torso.
What the heck did they do to me?
What experiences did they run down on me?
Did they try making a monster out of me?
So many questions were in my mind but there was so little time to think about it. After a couple of minutes, I stood up again and went to the door. It wasn't surprising to find it locked. however, I could tell that this was a door which was opening thanks to a key card. There was no door handle on it or anything just a key card pad on the side of it.
And you think this will stop me?
Just wait till I am out!
I swear if I get my hands on the orchid member that kidnapped me!
Ahh I will gladly mop the floor with his face.
What the heck? I mean who is even hunting an angel down? Did I ever do something to you?
Nope not that guys! He can go six feet under! I will gladly prepare his departure in the underworld and book him a nice one way ticked with a torture chamber for life for free!
I hope the others are all right!
I hope I could at least save them!
Now back to business...
I plucked a feather and used it to somehow open it. My feathers were once again very soft but the stem of them when I pluck them were really sharp and thin like a needle. Normally they wouldn't hurt anyone but once plucked the end can be used as a weapon and so I used the base end of my feather and opened it.
Now all I had to do was making a shortening in the system and voila the whole electricity of the floor went off. The door in respond to that opened too and I quickly went out running into the only direction that there was. There was only one hallway since my room was at the end of it.
I wonder why there is no one around?
Normally something like this should have been noticed... You don't have a black out every time now do you?
I began searching for an exit door until I found an elevator and this was when I realized I was underground. It explained the coldness I felt coming of the walls too. With no were to run and not being in the right condition to fly or even fight, I decided to look into every single room of this floor. I was lucky that there was no one around.
Am I underground?
That could explain why no one found me yet.
I am sure Nezu and the others are working on it...
While I began looking around I found out that the room right next to me could look inside the room I woke up. Not only that but there were also computers and papers all scattered around. Taking the opportunity, I began looking through them.
High stress factor....
Life endangering situation...
Failed to trigger a quirk evolution...
Wait hold on!
They tried to kill me only so I can have another quirk?
The heck do they think I am?
I am not some kind of lab bunny!
Synthetic quirk made out of Angels wings...
Wait they tried to make a synthetic quirk out of mine?
Outcome: Deadly quirk killing various hosts...
They tried this out on humans?
Copying quirk.. Failed due to a minimum understanding of the specimen's quirk.
Now after seeing all of these information, I was left wondering where the scientist and the other people where. I knew that I was the only one on this floor but the question was why?
There were enough papers and evidence that I was here more than a year which I couldn't believe at first but it felt right. My wings were bigger and softer which made sense after I found some of my feathers laying around.
???: We have a security breach on sector 13! I repeat the intruders are now on level 13! Evacuate floor 17-20 immediately.
I could hear a voice and immediately went in a fighting stance. However, once I turned around I saw a walky-talky and could hear the voice coming off it.
On that note... I wonder on what floor I am...
Maybe this are the heroes coming for me?
No, that can't be!
I just leaked a report. I hope Nezu finds the different hints in it!
It was true once the electricity came back, I sat on the chair and quickly typed a fake report in with a lot of hidden information for Nezu. I was sure that he would get.
???: Open catch 45-60 let out the bests. All hands-on deck! We need backup!
Now I was wondering what was going on. I could hear some screaming coming off from it. It was a terrifying scream and definitely not human at all.
Better get prepared myself!
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