Mom comes to visit

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It was almost normal routine at Titans' Tower. Beastboy and Cyborg were playing video games and Starfire and Robin were talking. What wasn't routine was Raven having a meltdown in her room, causing other objects in the tower to have a meltdown of their own. Why was she freaking out you ask. The Titans were wondering the same thing. After her powers caused the gamestation to melt, the titans tried talking to her, which failed. So now they sat, coming up with random theories about what could be wrong.

"Maybe there are aliens trying to take over the earth and they took over her body!" Cyborg sighed.

"Bb, I'm pretty sure that's not the reason." Raven ran into the room before he could protest.

"You guys have to leave. Right now." They stood, expecting the worst.

"Why?" Robin asked.

"No time! You have to hurry~." She was cut off by a white light in the middle of the room.

"Too late." She sighed. Out of the light stepped a woman in white robes. She had long, dark purple hair, and black eyes. She resembled Raven a lot, the only differences were she was about 42 and had tan skin and her eyes weren't violet. She was holding a dove in her hands.

"Metrion!" The woman smiled widely. Raven, despite her efforts, could not help but smile just as wide.

"Arella!" The woman embraced Raven. And, to the other Titans' shock, Raven hugged back.

"Oh, my little Metrion. I missed you. Look at you. You're still my sweet girl right?" Raven smiled.

"Of course Arella." Robin cleared his throat. Raven turned around. Suddenly, she looked slightly scared.

"Oh, yes. Um Arella. This is my family" Arella didn't seem fazed and kept smiling at them. Raven started introducing them, pointing to reach Titan as she did.

"This is Robin, the leader. This is Starfire, Robin's girlfriend, Tamaranian, and my best friend. This is Cyborg, my big brother. And this is Beastboy,"she hesitated slightly, "one of my closest friends." Beastboy smiled. One, she didn't consider him a brother, which helped his crush on her. Two, she said he was her friend. Arella smiled.

"Nice to meet little Metrion's friends."

"Arella! I'm not little anymore." The Titans chuckled at their friend's childish behavior.

"Oh, right. 19 year old daughter of Trigon won't let her mother call her little."

"MOTHER?" The other Titans shrieked. Raven cursed under her breath. Arella looked shocked.

"Yes. Did she not tell you who I am?" They still looked shocked. Arella got that stern mother look and turned to Raven, who looked like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

"You didn't tell them I was coming, did you?" Raven shook her head. "They don't know why I'm here, do they?" Another head shake. "They don't know your heritage, do they?" One last head shake. Now Robin stepped in.

"You mean the demon?" Arella laughed and shook her head.

"No, dear. I can't believe she hasn't told you! Then again, my little Metrion has always been modest." Raven stomped out of the room shooting one last thing in her wake.


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