The weekend went by pretty quick. We went to the mall and then the movies. Then, just like that, I wake up in my bed alone again. I felt cold. I missed the warmth of those idiots. My world felt gray again. I quickly got dressed and walked out my door. On my way to school, I didn't run into anyone. It felt weird. As I approached school, I saw a tall, orange haired boy. I sighed a breath of relief. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He quickly turned around with an annoyed look.
"Hey, I haven't seen anyone. Are you oka-"
"Yeah, whatever." He quickly walked off.
I ran up to him and grabbed his sleeve, "Osano, what the hell?"
"Ayano, move." He looked down at me and snatched his arm away.
"What happened?" I felt my eyes well up.
"You already know." He turned around and left.
Just then I saw Osoro. I stomped up to him, "Do you know what's wrong with Osano?" I tilted my head.
"Figure it out." He huffed angrily and walked away.
I walked into school and felt everyone's eyes on me.
"Gross." A Basu sister whispered to the other.
"What a slut!" The other giggled.
"If I would've known she was that easy, I would've went for her." A boy chuckled.
I quickly walked to the courtyard. I needed to see someone who could tell me what I did. I looked around and saw a huddle of students. I rushed to see what it was and it wasn't difficult to get to the center. People moved away in disgust. It was a boy. Super tan, blond spiky hair with a pink strip. He looked like... Musume. I grabbed the nearest student and and asked about Musume. They looked at me as if I were crazy. So it hit me. Musume was now this boy and this boy was spreading rumors about me. I walked up to him and grabbed his collar.
"Woah there, watch it babe." He grinned.
My face turned in disgust, "I'm not your fucking babe." I growled.
"Remember last night? That's not what you were saying then." He smugly looked at me.
"Fuck you!" I smacked him and ran away.
Info-Kun's POV
Hmm, Ronshaku has now been spreading rumors about Ayano. I can't get involved. I have to research this new kid. Nemi? I typed up his name into the school system. Nothing came up.
"Weird." I mumbled to myself.
I kept typing and then something else came up. It was a picture of the new kid but these files looked pretty fake. I clicked on something and a file for him came up. He was an assassin... but who is he coming for? His latest request was from... I clicked on his logs... Saki? He's here for Ayano!
"God, I have to warn her!" I started to get up but a pair of red eyes were looking at me.
"No you don't." Nemi stabbed me in the stomach.
"Gah!" I coughed up blood and fell to my knees.
He snatched the knife out and tried to get me again. I quickly moved and headed for the door. He grabbed my legs and dragged me back.
"Also," he glared at me, "It's Nemisis to you." He smirked as he raised the knife at me and I kicked at his hand.
"Get the fuck off of me!" I yelled.
He stabbed my leg. I held in a scream. He definitely wasn't getting anything from me. He gave me a sadistic grin and sat on top of me.
"This should be slow and fun." He laughed wildly.
He stabbed me in the chest, just barely missing my heart and twisted it in the wound. The next time was my shoulder, right through the bone. He made sure of that. I was wondering when I would die but it seems like it wasn't happening. Suddenly, I started losing breath. He was smiling and he stabbed my other shoulder. It was a large blood pool on the floor. My blood. I was slowly dying. I closed my eyes but then I heard a bang at my door.
It was Ayano. I looked at the door and it was locked.
I mustered whatever energy I had left to call her.
"H-Help!" I screamed.
She tried to open the door but it was locked. Nemisis looked at me and smirked. He got off me and unlocked the door. Ayano burst in and saw me lying on the ground. Half dead. She gasped and ran in, not caring about the blood staining her clothes. I could barely keep consciousness at this point.
Ayano's POV
"Who did this? No, we'll get you help first!" I started to help him up but the door shuts.
I look up and see a boy. Black hair and red eyes. He walks over to me and tries to grab my neck but I kick him away and stand up.
"Nemisis." I stared at him.
"Ayano. I'm here to kill you and everyone you seem to love." He looked back at me with a bloody knife in his hand.
"Who hired you?"
"Classified, but that's beside the point. You have to die." He ran at me and swung the knife.
I dodged it and backed into a wall. Suddenly, he tried to stab my head but it barely misses and gets stuck in the wall. He pushes his body on mine.
"It's too bad that I think you're cute. Under different circumstances, you would've been mine." He twirls a piece my hair with his fingers.
I quickly kneed him in the balls and he fell. To ensure that he would stay there for a bit, I put the knife through his calf. I ran to Info Kun who has passed out from blood loss. This is bad. I struggle to pick him up and run out the room.
"HELP!" I screamed while slowly moving in the halls.
Just then a boy comes running around the corner, it was Budo.
"What happened?!" He yelled.
"Some boy did this but I fought him off. Please hurry and take Info Kun."
I ran back to the room but he was gone. I have to watch my back. I ran to find Megamo. I ran upstairs and turned a corner. There he was. I was so relieved. He turned and looked at me in disgust.
"Was Ronshaku not enough? You really wanted all of us? I guess you want me to let you off the hook again," he gestured to my clothes drenched in Info-kun's blood, "Was that all I was good for? A get out of jail free card?" He asked sounding hurt.
"No. That's not it! Why would I even try to lead you on like that!" I pleaded.
"Whatever, you're under arrest." He puts a cuff on my wrist and one on his, "You're going to jail this time."
"W-what?" I was shocked, my eyes started tearing up, my heart broke, "Megamo, y-you can't do this! Listen to me!" I tugged the cuff.
Just then Osoro ran around the corner and saw Megamo and I. He looked at Megamo, "I hope we can say friends after this, Saikou."
"After what?"
Suddenly, Osoro punched him in the face. Megamo fell and my body fell right with his. Osoro pulled out a pair of wire cutters and cut the cuffs off me.
"Thank y-"
"I'm sorry." Osoro cut me off while bending down to pick up Megamo, "I should've believed you over that fuckboy."
"Aren't you gonna ask about my clothes?" I questioned.
"No need. On my way here, I ran into Budo helping a red head to get to the nurse. He grabbed my shirt and told me you were innocent." Osoro looked down into my eyes, "Let's get you cleaned up." He grabs my hand and we head to the locker rooms.
When we get there, I run inside and clean myself up. I come out in my gym uniform. I have to stop Nemisis.
Osano's POV
I can't believe that she fucked him. Out of us, she fucked Ronshaku. Maybe because he's rich. Megamo is rich too though so that can't be why. Why do I even care so much? I'm such an idiot. I didn't even bother to try to hear her side of the story.
"Baka!" I cursed myself.
I'm in class thinking about how much of an idiot I am. I turn to look at her seat and she's not even there. I really must've upset her. I raise my hand.
"Yes, Najimi?" Rana Sensei asks.
"Can I go to the restroom?"
"Come here."
I walked up to his desk where he was sitting.
"Where's Ayano?" He whispers.
"I don't know. I may have upset her earlier." My face reddened.
"Just make sure she's ok." He pats my shoulder.
I nod and walk out of class. I go into the bathroom.
"I wonder why it's always so dark in here." I mutter to myself.
I hear a voice in the bathroom, an unrecognizable one. They were whispering in what seemed to be a phone call.
"Yes, she stabbed me and got away." They sounded annoyed, "Yes, I can do this.... I am competent.... You hired me because you couldn't beat her anyway...... Ronshaku spread the rumor and none of them are around to protect her anymore, this is easy.... You want me to keep her alive? Just bring her to you? Ok fine.... bye." The person hung up and started to unlock the stall.
I ran out the bathroom and around the corner to see who it was when they walk out. My heart was racing and it felt like an eternity until the person walked out. This was nerve racking. I peeked around the corner and it was the new kid. I scurried away from that spot. He was here to take Ayano. He's not apart of the Yakuza though. What was he here for then? I should tell her. I ran to go find her.
Finally!! New chapter!! Next chapter will be a list of ships I love and support because why not? Nobody's gonna stop me. Anyways, enjoy!!
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