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Bret:To talk about ponies I hate is incomplete if I don't mention Darren. Meet Darren a alliance-forming,backstabbing,scamming and the pinnacle of a manipulator. He is very intelligent and very vicious. He fears nothing and approaches everypony as they were fillies. Very aggressive,straight from the Deserts of the Nilles Province. He are to open over by Markeland. I first met him in Markeland a while before Cotton died. He,"Razor" Sally and Nickel Nick  approached Lynal,Cotton and I. He was very good at looking bad...He oozed a certain trait that true villains had. His Cutie Mark is 3 gears signifying his skill in robotics and his thinking process being three times your average pony. He is the leader of the largest villain organization in MHB. The L.O.S.E.R.S standing for the League Of Super Evil Revenge Seekers. They seek to get revenge on and everything they dislike.

((Above Darren
Below His comrades minus Nickel Nick))

(From Right to Left
Starlight Charmer,Velvet Force,Flare Chaser,"Razor"Sally and Evergreen)

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