Alexander: Well mentor I married Chaos and I got something to tell you. Bret: Really? Alexander:Yes, Cause well--I really love her. She makes me feel...complete, something my studies mention but-- Bret: Alex your studies only take you halfway, you must actually experience it to get the full concept. I've learned that and I can see that you're on the right track. You must realize that studying gets you knowledge, but the events back them up. You've really matured and realized that from a colt turning into a Stallion. Alexander:Thank you mentor, I owe it to you. If you and Mrs. Dream haven't taken me I'm, I would've just have up years ago. You guys we're great parents to me. Bret:You were practically our second son and oldest child. We always thought of you as one of us. *hugs Alexander*So what did you call me here for?
Alexander:well me and Chaos have a son. His name is Onxy Notes Bookspree. Bret: woah no way can't believe you actually got that far with her. Alexander:She was really hard in the beginning and we bonded until the moment I got to mate with her. It was my first time so I made a few mistakes. Bret: Not the whole getting her pregnant part wasn't--right? That was intentionally. Alexander:Of course, I drove-- yeah I did that part on purpose. I mean like fainting while she was *whispers the rest in his ear* Bret: That's embarrassing Alex did you apologize? Alexander:I did but she does bring it up to tease me. Bret: Sounds interesting, but we'll discuss more of the TV. *turns off network*