Bret: Everypony welcome my outstanding apprentice Alexander. He is the successor of the Forever Stone when I pass away. I'm teaching him everything I know. Alexander: Thank you mentor, it's an honor to be apart of the Bookspree family with you,Mrs. Dream,Melody and Swifty. Bret:*rubs his head* Good kiddo,did you get the spell done yet? Alexander: Yes, I did it yesterday. Me and Swifty practiced opening Portals. Although the portals aren't stable,I suspect that my lack of concentration is the problem.
Swift Gust:*flies in* Sorry for the interruption Alex--Dad, but Alex I just found something really cool bro! Alexander: Seriously?! Sorry mentor We have to go. Swift Gust: Yeah We'll see you later Dad! *Flies away in blazing speed* Come on Alex! Catch up of you can ! Alexander: Bye mentor*Flies after him*Coming Bret: okay You guys head home before dinner time