Awesamdad 2

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Words: 960


Scenario: This happens after my last story (Awesamdad). Philza was never able to teach Tommy to fly and Wilbur died before he could. Sam tries to teach Tommy to fly... In his own way. But Tommy's past is catching up to him. (Tommy is shorter because I said so.)

Narrator POV

"Come on, Tom!" Awesamdude shouts up at Tommy, who's leaning over a ledge. "Just jump and flap your wings! "

"N-no, I don't think I can do it. " Tommy stutters and winces when he hears it.

"Hey, don't worry. " Sam says softly. "I'm here to catch you. "

Tommy looks down and his surroundings change right before his eyes. He sees that he's on an obsidian bridge over a lava lake. He stares into the lava that seems to be rising to meet him.

He feels a pressure in his chest that's all to familiar. Tommy shakes his head and it turns back to grass.

"No, I'm coming back down. " Tommy turns around.

Tommy walks down the hill and stands in front of Sam, his head down. Sam leans down and looks him in the eyes.

"Hey, we don't need to do it today. I'm proud of you for even going up there. "

Tommy looks up at Sam, tears filling his eyes uncontrollably. "You're proud of me? But I didn't even do anything. "

"In my eyes, you did everything. " Sam says and hugs Tommy, he snuggles against Sam.


Over the next few days they would go back to the hill and Sam would stand on the ground ready to catch him. Every time Tommy would go to the top and see the lava again. He would back out and walk back down to Sam. Sam would hug him and they would go drink Coca-Cola together.

After their most recent attempt, they sat on the bench sipping their drinks. Tommy hums along to the discs he was playing. Tommy's legs were swinging carelessly under the bench.

"Hey Tom?" Sam asks.

"Yeah? " Tommy looks over at Sam.

"Is there any reason that you can't jump off?

"Uhh." Tommy thinks of the lava. "I-I don't think so. "

Sam looks into Tommy's eyes knowing he's lying but leaves it.


Another practice Tommy was on the hill and Sam was waiting patiently for Tommy. Once again he saw the lava haunting him but this time he heard it popping and splashing around.

He felt the warmth begging him to join it. He heard voices pounding in his head.

'It was never meant to be'
'Is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit!'
'The discs don't matter!'
'It's not your time to die'

Tommy clutches his head, his foot slips and he falls off. He screams as he falls, watching the lava edge closer to him. Sam catches him and they tumble down. Tommy looks around and sees he's sitting on grass and not burning in lava.

He curls up against Sam hyperventilating. Sam holds him in his arms tightly. "Talk to me Tom. "

Tommy tells Sam what he's been seeing and when he's finished he feels like the pressure he's been feeling has been lifted off. He takes a deep breath, feeling like he can breath completely again.

"I'm here for you. Don't forget that. " Sam says and looks him right in the eyes. "Are you sure you want to continue? "

Tommy hesitates. "Yes."

"Ok then, go rest, I'll meet you later. "


"Ok Tommy. " Sam is hold a nature book about birds. "I stayed up all night researching birds to see which one your wings fit to. And I think this is the one your almost identical to. "

"Which one? "

"An owl. " He holds the book up to Tommy to show him the picture. "You are able to glide silently for long distances. "


"So instead of trying to flap, just hold your wings out and let the air do the rest. " Sam hold out his arms to demonstrate.

Tommy takes a deep breath but before he falls he sees the lava. He covers his eyes with his hands and he drops.

He spreads his grey wings wide and falls straight down. Sam runs under him but at the last second the air catches under his wings and he glides down softly.

Tommy lands and tumbles forward into his face. He moves his hands away from his eyes and looks to see Sam a few metres away.

"I did it? I DID IT! " Tommy shouts and jumps up.

Sam runs and picks him up. "I knew you could do it! " He wipes mud off Tommy's cheek.

He puts Tommy down and he jumps from foot to foot. "Dad, can I go again? "

Sam gestures to the mound again, smiling big. Tommy runs up again to the top and doesn't even stop but jumps. Right away the air catches him and he glides for a while this time and land's on his feet.

Sam jogs under him as he glides and hugs him once again.

"Let's go find Tubbo! " Tommy runs excitedly over to Snowchester.


After a few day of practicing his gliding, he managed to glide across a field they were practicing on. They went to flapping and after a few failed attempts, which included a sprained ankle, he managed to fly over the entirety on the L'manberg chasm.

Tommy flies back to Sam and circles him from above. He lands gracefully on the ground and jumps into Sam's arm.

"Did you see me!? Did you see me!? " Tommy asks excitedly.

"Of course I did. " Sam says. "I wouldn't miss it for the world. "

"Let's go brag to Ph1lza, dad. " Tommy says and jumps out of Sam's arms.

"Ok, let's go son. "


(I literally cried writing this.)

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