It's has been 6 months she has been accused for someone murdered which she never did. This was unexpected for her and her loved ones. It's didn't took a second to turn things around. As people say life is always mystery. But her life was struggling to live. One things made her hate was love. She hated since mother died but when she found her love as expected she lost faith in love again.
She is broke girl who was before falling in love but for herself become more strong to show worlds she isn't alone. She can stand for right and will improve her innocent. She believed to show world her power but never become weak front of world who never accepts her.
It's was another day in jail where she was busy doing something by herself but didn't something will turns her life down. She was called down along with others prisoners . Everyone arrived when one of officer came to announce something.
Officer : today we will be having visitor to this jail, don't you dare to act smart!
While others looks at the officer but she cared less or say she wasn't interested around her. She got again got busy what she was doing her work. She was doing her work when someone tapped her shoulder. She turned to see her only friends who supported since she has entered. One of her friend Asked what she is doing.
Girl : Avni what are doing?
Avni smiled.
Avni : Suhneria I was making my art piece.
Suhneria : oh! Can I see it!
Avni nods. Suhneria saw the sketch but got confused seeing the picture, so she asked Avni.
Suhneria: Avni what does this sketch mean?
Avni smiled wickedly.
Avni :time will tell when I destroy this person!
Suhneria was going to ask her another but she went as someone called her for duty.
It's was middle of night when Avni was in her cell. She was thinking how to get out from there. She has made plan to escape but would be successful or something would take place which could be danger for her.
She was walking forward and backward in her cell and talking to her self.
Avni : mr vidyut ragni pandit and mr Neil Khanna after few days yours bad will starts. Wait for me to destroy your life. What you both think you guys can trap me here but you are wrong.
She was busy thinking about taking revenge from two people. One was her biggest enemy and the other one was her husband who she loved more than herself. She was fully ready to destroy her Husband life but didn't knew he is only fighting for her. She only wants revenge for him because he didn't trust her or didn't had faith on their love. She has starts believing, he has broke her trust and all the relation.
Others side a guy was in disguise. He was hiding under the tunnel only to destroy someone life who has ruined entire life. A guy quickly put his mask as he saw a truck was coming followed by car and he could see his enemy sitting inside. He smirked to himself and waited to see the game.
The truck and car went but far but suddenly both of the vehicles stopped and the truck got Blast. Luckily car was far from truck so nothing happened but due to sudden blast the car turned upside down. The person inside with difficult came out. The person face was completely covered with black colour. He looks at the truck and took his phone immediately and called someone.
Person: bloody hell, again it happened! I want information behind this or you can't be spare, did you get it!
Without listening Person cuts call and waiting for another car to come. While the guy still had smirk on his face.
Guy: this is only starts your destroy mr vidyut. You don't know you have messed it with. Neil Khanna is back to destroy your life.
He quickly hid again inside the tunnel. He crawled inside the tunnel and came out from other side of tunnel. He took his mask off.
Neil : I am back mr vidyut. I will give you same pain which you gave to my Avni. Because of you she is suffering!
He took his phone it and informed Neela about the plan being success.
Next morning. In jail, all the prisoners were busy decorating as Christmas was coming when a officer walked in.
Officer: all of you can I get your attention. Two officer will be here soon. They will ask question about you or any other thing.
Prisoner nods. After few minutes to officer walks in. Prisoner hasn't saw them yet. Who is charge of the jail walked to and welcomed them and saluted both of them.trn. One of spoke.
One: I was one the one who spoke to you. My self ips Neil Khanna, and he is my colleague dd.
Officer : welcome sir!
Neil : where is prisoners?
Officer: sir they are over there.
Neil : let's go to them!
Officer nods and walks to them. Behind the officer Neil and dd walked behind.
As officer stood where prisoner where.
Officer: can I give you guys attention once again. The one we were waiting is here.
Saying This officer moved side. Prisoner looks at Neil and dd but one person only had hatred seeing him. Even Neil was only seeing her, he only could those hates and pains. He felt himself if he lost everything. Dd saw Neil staring at particular point and followed gaze and found Avni. He had tears seeing Avni after so long.
Avni looked away. Neil also looks at others.
Neil : do any of you problem here?
Sitira and Tara both answered together: no sir we don't.
Neil asked few questions but didn't ask Avni anything because he knows he only will hate from her. Lastly he walks up to her and stood front of her.
Both looked in each other eyes. Both stood silent. Neil looked straight into her eye and asked her.
Neil : and you do you have any problem?
She also looks straight to his eye and answered him back.
Avni : before you didn't entered here I had no proven but since you are here I have big problems.
Tears showed in Neil eye but Neil smartly looked another way. Neil moved to with officer and left. Avni stood there.
Avni ( mind) mr Neil Khanna welcome back. Now it's easy to destroy you! First i will destroy then I will see him!
It's has been more than month since Neil has came to jail where Avni is. In between both had their moment and went to flashback. Today something unexpected was going to happen. Avni was fully ready to escape but she didn't knew something bad is going to happen. Other side the person found out where something new. He was sitting in his room and looks at picture.
Person : today I will see my Avni! I am coming to you. I have already killed your Neil now no any one can separate us.
He smiled to himself but he is such foolish. He didn't do his search properly. I feel sorry for you.
At was midnight in jail where everyone has already slept expect from avni and Neil. Neil was taking tour around the jail while Avni was half way to escape but something Strange happened. She was pulled by somewhere. She looks up only to see her biggest enemy standing with smirk on face. All the flashback came back to avni's head. Avni jerked the person hand and moved away.
Avni : you did big mistake to come here. I won't leave you today.
Person smirked.
Person: well we will see! But let me tell you something which you may be shock but it's true the person who put you here, do you know where he is?
Avni looks at him.
Avni : what the hell you talking about mr vidyut.
Vidyut : you know my name. Hearing my name from you it's feels so good!
Avni looks at him disgustedly.
Without saying anything vidyut dragged Avni and pushed her to his car and drove away. Reaching he again forcefully held her hand and took her inside dark room.
Vidyut : let show you master piece made by me!
Saying this he switched the button. Seeing whole video Avni got biggest shock of her life. In video it's showed how vidyut shot Juhi then left all proof of Avni and also shows how he blackmailed Neil. Tears didn't stop from her eye.
Vidyut laughed.
Vidyut : don't cry dear but one thing your husband??
Avni looks at him.
Avni : Neil....
Vidyut smirked.
Vidyut : what I can I do he was between was us so I have killed him.
As she heard she felt on her knees and cried out. All those moment in jail with Neil was coming. But she again shock.
Vidyut : I killed the day you went jail! Because of him you had to go jail!
Avni looks at him.
Avni was going to say about Neil being alive but stopped.
Avni (mind) he doesn't know Neil is alive. Now your game starts mr vidyut. First I need get out from here.
Vidyut was still smirked but got alerted when he heard gun shot. Then someone came inside which shocked vidyut more. Avni was still sitting on her knee so didn't knew who was there.
Vidyut: ho... w... ca...n ... you .....alive...
With shocking he spoke.
Person smirked seeing his shock face.
Person : Don't forget I can plan game too!
Hearing this voice Avni turned and saw Neil standing with gun.
Neil Didn't looked at Avni at all but his eye was only on vidyut. Vidyut took gun and shot. But it's was late to do anything. Avni just looked at a shadow falling on ground. She looks shocked to see Neil falling down with only blood. Vidyut tried escaping but police came and arrested him.
Khanna family with Avni and some police officer was waiting for doctor to come. After few hours doctor came out. Avni was first one to rush.
Avni : how.. is... he...
Doctor : who?
Avni didn't had to say anything but Bebe Told Doctor she is Neil wife.
Doctor : I am sorry but mr Khanna went coma.
This news shocking to all. Avni blamed herself for his condition. As she heard the word coma, she lost her breath. She just collapsed down.
Don't hate me for the ending. This was requested.
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