10 years later - part 2

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Neil stops his car front of mansion where avni and Avnesh lives over 10 years. Neil looks at his son who was munching chocolate.. Neil chuckles seeing how Avnesh licks his fingers as the chocolate got over. Neil took his handkerchief out and turning to Avnesh side way starts wiping his lips, mouth and hands which was covered with chocolates. Avnesh gave his beautiful smile as Neil wiped his face and hands. Unwilling a tear escaped from his eyes making it fall on Neil's hands who immediately looks up and saw Avnesh crying.

Neil's heart broke seeing Avnesh crying.. he immediately cups Avnesh's face and wipes those precious tears of his son.

Neil : my boy why are you crying?

Avnesh looks at Neil still sobbing making Neil feel so bad. He didn't knew what made Avnesh cry.. Neil side hugged Avnesh and patted his head till Avnesh calms down... Avnesh soaked Neil's shirt with his tears.. Neil ruffles his hair and whispered sweets words to calm him down.

Avnesh calming himself down and tilting his head looks at Neil and said something which shocked Neil..

Avnesh: friend why can't I have papa like you? Why can't you be my papa?

His words brought tears into Neil's eyes. His vision starts getting blur upon hearing Avnesh.. he didn't knew what to answer him back..

Avnesh : friend.. say something..

Avnesh shook Neil who looks at him.

Neil : huh!

Avnesh : friend... you won't leave me.. you will always be with me.

Neil nodded his head still not being  able to form words.. Neil opens his side car and comes out leaving Avnesh confuse as Neil didn't answer him. Avnesh's heart broke mere of thinking Neil will also leave..

Avnesh was engrossed thinking about Neil leaving when he felt himself in someone's arms. He looks up and saw Neil lightly smiling  at him.. Avnesh tried reading Neil's face expression but didn't understand why was he smiling.

Neil closed the door with his leg and scooping Avnesh in his arms starts walking to the entrance freaking Avnesh.. Avnesh's eyes widen seeing Neil approaching to the main entrance of his house.. he can't let his mamma know his little secret.. he wasn't ready for another scolding session.. Avnesh wraps his arms around Neil's neck and his face making Neil alert of his fear.

Neil : Avnesh stop being nervous or scared..I'm there na.. your mamma won't scold you.. okay.. I'll protect you from your mamma scold. Okay.

Avnesh peeps out of Neil's neck and looks at Neil with a small smile.. Neil returning the smile walks to the main entrance and glancing at Avnesh who hid his face in Neil's neck.. Neil rang the door bell and watched his son antics..

Soon the door flung opens revaluing Mrs avni Neil khanna herself holding spatula in her hand and wearing apron looks she just came from kitchen..

Avni watched father and son then noticed how Avnesh was hiding himself into Neil's neck making avni worry.. she stares Neil who blinks his eyes at her.

Avni : Avnesh bacha.. come to mamma.

Avnesh hearing Avni's voice peeped out from Neil's neck and looks at her but before avni could take him in her arms Avnesh hid again behind Neil's back making both of them shock...

Neil gesturing his eyes at avni moves inside the mansion. Avni simply follows them. She saw Neil sitting on sofa with Avnesh in his lap and Avnesh cuddling himself to Neil.

Avni : Avnesh bacha why are you behaving like this? Come to mamma.

Avni has never seen Avnesh ignoring expect something has happened.. she sat beside Neil and kept hand on Avnesh head making Avnesh snap his head at avni.. seeing Avni's eyes teary Avnesh coming out of Neil's hold hugged avni tightly... avni starts caressing Avnesh's hair still looking at Neil who was also confused with Avnesh behaviour.

Avni pulls Avnesh and makes him sit beside her. She cups his face.

Avni : bacha what happened? Why are you so sad? Did something happen in school? Did you fought with someone again?

Avnesh shook his head and clings to avni which only made them worried. Avni took deep breath and picks Avnesh up in her arms. She glanced at Neil before walking up the stairs.

Avni pushing her room door comes inside and sat on the bed with Avnesh in her lap.

Avni : Avnesh what are you hiding from mamma?

Avnesh finally looks at avni as he thought it's better to speak out rather than keeping inside his heart. He held his ears making avni confuse.

Avni : bacha what are you doing?

Avnesh : mamma... I lied to you.. I am sorry.

Avni : lied to me? When? What are you talking about bacha?

Avnesh : mamma.. you won't scold me na?

Avni : no bacha.. why would I scold you?

Avnesh held Avni's hand and looks at the door to seen Neil peeking inside.. his nervousness flew away as he saw Neil.. Avnesh climbing down the bed ran to Neil and hugged his leg.. he then looks at Neil who bending down picks Avnesh up.

Neil carried into bed and sat next to avni who was confused though she got slight idea what Avnesh is about to say.. avni smiled lightly seeing them together.. this is first time where she doesn't hid and see then together..

Avnesh looks at avni then at Neil..

Avnesh : mamma do you know who he is?

Avni : how would I know bacha? Who is he?

Avnesh : mamma... he is my friend. I use to meet him before and after school... mamma he is my best friend..

Avnesh said with smile as he knew Neil will protect him if his mamma burst out in anger... Avnesh held Neil's hand tightly and in fear he closed his eyes but when he didn't hear anything he opens his eyes and looks at his mamma who was smiling at him.

Avnesh : mamma aren't you angry with me.. I hid biggest secret from you.. you have always told me not to meet stranger but what I happened did.. I become friend with stranger, also brought him to our house.. mamma say something..

Avni's heart broke as Avnesh unknowingly called Neil as stranger.. that moment she felt guilty harming biggest truth to Avnesh.. she stares Neil who blinks his eyes at her.. she could see him hurt when Avnesh referred to a stranger.. avni composing herself held Avnesh hand..

Avni : bacha.. I'm not upset or angry with you because you said truth.. you were honest... bacha.. I'm proud of you that you spoke truth.. bacha I also want to tell something.. promise mamma you won't get angry or lock yourself in room.. mamma had own her reasons that's why she hid it from you.. mamma is very soon. Please forgive your mamma..

Avnesh looks at avni then at Neil who got startled hearing her.. he tried conveying her not to tell anything to Avnesh yet but Mrs avni Neil Khanna couldn't bear Avnesh calling his own father as a stranger.. her heart breaks seeing father and son so close yet so far.. she wants her son to know who he calls stranger is his own father.. she can't see her son crying thinking he doesn't have father when his father is front him. She can't blind her son.

Avnesh : mamma I'll understand you... I won't get angry with you.. mamma promise.

Avni smiles at her son then getting up went to cupboard and a minute later comes back. She settled next to Avnesh who was curious whereas Neil was scared thinking about Avnesh's reaction..

Avni : bacha you always wanted you know who is your father? Where he is? How does he looks? Then here is answer to your questions..

Avni handed him the frame which had Avni's and Neil's photo of them together. Avni and Neil stares Avnesh who was gazing at the photo frame.. as long tear fell down his eyes freaking both of them.. before avni could wipe those tears Avnesh turns around to Neil and crashed into his arms and cried making them worried..

Avnesh calming himself down broke the hug and looks at his parents who were exchanging looks with each other.....

In India..

A girl ran behind someone yelling the person's name when she bumped to someone.. she fell on the ground and tilting her head up looks at the person who was shooting angry glares at her.. she starts shivering seeing the person front of her.. she moved back when the person loudly yelled at her..

Person: why the hell are you out of the room? Who fucking gave you the permission to come out of the room? Didn't I tell you stay there and not come out without my permission?

The girl shivered hearing his cold voice and tried getting up but fell again on the ground making the person more angry...

The person starts yelling someone's name who immediately rushed there and felt pity seeing the girl on the floor and crying seeing their own boss.

Someone : yes sir..

Person : get her out of my sight..

And the person walks out from there leaving the girl in tears... the girl engulfs in hug as her maid bending down hugs her.. the girl start crying hugging her maid who felt sympathy seeing her like that but like every time she was helpless too.

The maid : misti.. stop crying my dear? Wipe  those tears.

She wiped misti tears and holding her hand and walks to misti room.. she closing the door made misti sit.

Maid : my dear why are you crying? Why did you step out of the room? You should have not down that. Look seeing you out of the room boss get angry..

Misti jerked the maid hand and starts yelling at her.

Misti: what about me then? How can he treat me like shit? Why did they let me live? Why didn't he let me die when my angle died in that house. Why did he save me? Why didn't let me die? You know what I hate to admit he is my father.. I hate to admit I had worse parents.. my mother left when I was child.. and about my father you can see how he is... he also  killed my angle who loved and protected me from this evil man... just leave me alone.. leave me alone..

The maid left the room.. soon as the maid left misti got up and threw everything up in the room.. she fell on the floor and hugging herself she cried on her fate..

A week later, in khanna mansion.

Bebe and swetha were in kitchen when they heard door bell. They both frowned thinking how could have come this time but nevertheless swetha wiping her hands walks to the door and opens it to get shocked seeing Neil..

Her eyes went widen open seeing people behind her.. she shockingly stares them. She gaped and looks at Neil...

Swetha : tillu...

She almost fainted but handle herself as Neil held her.. swetha tried registering what was happening around her.. she couldn't believe her own eyes what she was seeing.. she wildly stares the people front of her...

Neil : mom.. are you okay? Mom..

Swetha looks at Neil then in front of her...

Swetha : Tillu... is this dream? My daughter?

Neil : mom calm down and let's go inside please.. I'll explain to you everything..

Swetha composing herself moves side letting the people inside but her eyes were stuck at one person without blinking her eyes.. she got back into reality when she heard Neil yelling her name out..

Swetha walks inside and saw them comfortable sitting down.. at the same time bebe comes out of kitchen to get shocked seeing Neil as Neil was facing her but she didn't notice people behind Neil.. Neil was still standing up covering people behind him therefore Bebe didn't have any acknowledge who were sitting behind Neil.

Bebe : tillu when did you come back? I missed you so much... give me hug..

Bebe happily spread her arms and hugs Neil.. as she hugged Neil her eyes went widen open as she noticed people behind Neil.. she got shocked seeing her.. her eyes were filled with fresh tears.. she broke the hug and moves behind Neil...

Bebe stares the person before whispering the person name..

Bebe : avni puttar....

Yes the people were none than mrs avni Neil khanna and Avnesh Neil khanna.. Bebe speared her arms out for avni who immediately getting upset hugged her back with all the strength she had...

They got sobbed hugging each other when Bebe felt someone hugging her legs.. she broke hug and looks down to see her grandson who was smiling like her tillu... she looks at Neil who bobbed his head..

Bebe bending down hugs Avnesh and showered his face with kisses making Avnesh pout looking at his mamma who chuckles at him..

Bebe : tillu... he is your son.. oh god.. he so look like you tillu...

Avnesh frowned hearing the word tillu and said something making everyone giggle lightly.. no matter what the situation but the small boy of AvNeil brought smile on everyone's face.

Avnesh : who is tillu? I don't look like tillu but I look like my father?

Bebe controlling her giggles pinched Avnesh cheek.

Bebe : tillu is your father name..

Avnesh's eyes widen hearing Bebe and looks at Neil who picks him up..

Avnesh : papa... is it your name?

Neil nodded his head rubbing his nose on Avnesh cheek making Avnesh giggle..

In all these they forget there was one person who was craving to hug Avnesh and avni.. the person was none than swetha who was standing little far away from there and adorning family which she wanted years back. She was shedding tears but it was happy tears.....

Neil noticed swetha standing far away from there. He walks to swetha with Avnesh in his arms.

Neil : mom won't you meet your grandson?

Swetha looks at Neil then at Avnesh...

Swetha : my tillu's son...

Her voice chocked up.. Neil nodded his head and Avnesh down when swetha scooped him in hug... she starts kissing his whole face whispering tillu's son..

Others just watched them with smile.. swetha then hugging avni cried.

Even they have suffered. They lost their daughter too.

Neil sat Avnesh in his lap and looks at swetha who was feeding him and Avnesh.

Neil : mom... enough. I can't eat anyone..

Avnesh : Dadi.. me also can't eat anyone..

Swetha pushed other bite in their mouth one by one making both father and son look at Bebe who giggled at them...

Bebe : don't drag me into this.. you both deal... where is avni?

Neil : Bebe you can't do this to your tillu?

Avnesh : yes Badi Dadi.. you can definitely to do this tillu but not me...

Neil gave Avnesh look but Avnesh glares him back.

Swetha : both of you stop glaring each other and quickly eat as I won't leave you both long as this plate is finished..

Neil and Avnesh starts making face ate the food as swetha fed them.

Somewhere India..

Misti was having her lunch while staring the wall.. she quietly ate her lunch when she heard footsteps.. she looks up and saw her father coming inside the room... the food got stuck in her throat making her chock on it... she coughed till the she swallowed the food..

Her eyes widen open as she saw him sitting on bed which is not like him.. she moves back as he tried touching her...

Misti : don't come near me...

He smirks and stills tried touching her head..

Misti took something off the table and tried hitting him but before that he got the hold off it and threw it on the floor..

Person: misti my child.. your smartness won't work on me...

He held her hand and starts dragging her outside of the room making her Yelp in pain as his hold is tightened..

Misti : leave me... let me go....

She struggles herself but stopped as she saw the door where they were heading...

She fell on the floor ground as she was pushed. She roams her eyes around the room and her eyes got teary seeing  the room filled with Avni's photo... she stares her father who was starring the photos...

Misti : why have you brought me here?

He smirks hearing and looks at her..

Person : well vidyut ragini pandit' obsession is so loved my dear daughter.. I thought why not show you something which will make you understand that your angle is no more... that all because of Neil khanna... he let her die there... he... stole my love from me.... what you thought I won't know what you say to the maid? Don't forget you're not only my daughter but goal which will help me to destroy Neil khanna and his family. Why do you think I have killed you to world? You are same to me like your mother was... just a puppet... using you I'll take my revenge.... and for that you have execute the plan on very special day.... and trust me if you try to use brain then your dead body will be found in the river next morning... better remember that before thinking to stab my back..

Vidyut patted her cheeks and with smirk left the room not before doing something which misti herself was unaware off..

Misti feared thinking she will also loose family who have shelter, love when she was child.. she was never loved by her one parents but her angle and superman gave her the love of parents.... she can't risk their lives because of her evil father who is all set to destroy..

She has to do something but what.. how can she do something when she is every second watched by her father men's.. she was also helpless child who couldn't do anything to protect her other family.. she was helpless and suffering in guilt because she knows she is the reason why her angle family is in danger.. it is all because of her but how can she save them?

How can she protect them.. how can she do that? Who will help her out?

She wiping her tears off stares her angle photo before walking out of the room..

In khanna mansion Avnesh resting in AvNeil's room whereas AvNeil were sitting in hall waiting for Prakash to come back from office. They were sipping their tea and having some snacks when a door bell rang. Swetha got up and moved away.

Whereas avni held Neil's hand tightly which made Neil look at her. He moving close to her and whispers her to relax.

Neil : avni.... calm down.. dad won't eat you up. Dad is very understanding person. Once the truth is out then trust me no one can be angry with you or me.. they will understanding whatever we did was for them. Relax avni.. trust me I won't let them hate you.. that's my promise.. okay..

Avni was calmed little bit but still she was scared thinking about Prakash's reaction.

Swetha opens the door and took office bag off Prakash's hand and smiled seeing him.

Swetha : Prakash ji how was office today?

Prakash frowned seeing swetha unusually behaviour but nevertheless smiling answered her back.

Prakash: it was tiring.. where is Bebe? Resting in her room?

Swetha : no Bebe is in the hall with tillu.

Prakash: Neil came back today? Why didn't he tell me? I could have picked him up.

Swetha : Yes, tillu is here but with someone.

Prakash: someone? Who?

Swetha : come inside first.

Prakash nodding his head moves inside the hall only to get shocked as his eyes fell on avni who was clinging to Neil in fear. His eyes got teary seeing avni... his eyes were filled with happy tears..

Prakash: avni... is this real..

Neil squeezed Avni's hand and blinks his eyes at her.. Avni got up and moves to Prakash.. she bends down to touch his foot but before that Prakash held her shoulder and side hugged her..

He pat Avni's hair and kissed her forehead soon as he broke the hug.

Prakash: where did you go? Why did take so long to come back to us? Don't you know what happened behind you? We missed you so much avni...

Avni's eyes was also filled with tears along with others who were smiling at them. Neil clears his throat to break all the sentimental scene which happening front of him

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