"For the love of a father" Avengers x Hawkeye daughter pt 1

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day 6 of 24

Y/n is Hawk eyes oldest daughter. They have a rocky relationship and have done since her brother and sister were born. None of the avengers know about her, or his family but when they go to his house to lay low, they met her.  She becomes friendly with Steve. When something happens, will Clint realize what damage he has done to his relationship with his daughter?

A/n gonna try something new. THis story is going to have the lyrics of 'for the love of a daughter' by Demi Lovato. Some of the lyrics don't go with the plot but are part of the song. I hope you like it, maybe I'll do more like this in the future. Let me know if you like it.

Four years old
With my back to the door
All I could hear
Was the family war
Your selfish hands
Always expecting more
Am I your child?
Or jut a charity award?

"Y/n" Laura, y/ns mom called up the stairs.
"Yes ma." She called, walking down the stairs.
"Can you set the table please?"

Y/n followed Laura in to the kitchen and began setting the table as Laura left to go check on the kids. As she got out the plates she heard the door open.

"Honey, I'm home." She heard Clint call.
She looked up as her mom came back in and looked at Clint.
"Hi." He smiled as they kissed.
"Gross." She muttered as she put out the plates.
"Guys this is Laura, my wife."
"I know all of your names." 

Y/n looked to the door as she heard footsteps running down the stairs. She smiled as her brother and sister came running in the door.

You have a hollowed out heart but it's heavy in your chest
I tried so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
You're hopeless
Oh father, please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father, please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter

"Daddy." Her baby sister called.
"Hey sweetie, hey buddy." Clint called, picking up the little girl and pulling the boy close to him.
"Did you bring auntie Not?" She asked as he put her down.
"Why don't you hug her and find out." Nat replied and picked up the little girl.

"Sorry we didn't call." The blonde guy said.
"Yeah we would of called ahead but we were too busy not knowing who you were." The millionaire said causing y/n to stifle a laugh.
Nathasa put y/ns sister down and looked at y/n who waved at her. Nat walked towards her and pulled her into a side hug.
"Yeah well FUry helped me set this up when I joined. I asked to keep it out of the shields files like to keep it that way. Figured it's a good place to lay low."

"How are you y/n." Natasha asked as the others explained everything to Laura while the kids went off the play.
"I'm good. Who is everyone?"
"The guy in blue and red is Steve,then there's Thor with the long hair. Tony is the guy beside Thor in black and then the guy at the very end that looks awkward is Bruce."
"Got it." She nodded.

Natasha went over to Laura and the others leaving y/n on her own. She studied the avengers as they stood in front of her. She looked back at her father as he talked to Nat and Laura, occasionally looking down at her siblings. She jumped out of her thoughts as the toaster popped. She went to get out the toast when she heard someone leave. She looked up to see Thor leave with Steve following. SHe decided to follow, ignoring everyone asking who she was.

Natasha watched as y/n followed Steve and Thor before hitting Clint in the back of the head.

"Oww, what the hell Nat?" Clint said, rubbing the back of his head.
"Who was that?" Tony asked in a confused voice, causing Bruce to agree.
"That was y/n. She's our daughter." Laura replied as she seen Nat glaring at Clint.
"You seriously forgot your daughter Clint? How could you?" Nat glared at him.
"I didn't forget. Just didn't get around to talking to her yet." He defended himself.
"I don't have a child but I'm pretty sure you wouldn't forget to talk to them." Tony stated.
"Shut it Tony."
"Clint>" Laura warned, indicating to the two children beside him.
"Sorry." He muttered.
"She's more like you then you'll ever know."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
Laura sighs loudly.
"breakfast is ready." Laura said,ignoring what her husband had asked her.

It's been five years
Since we've spoken last
And you can't take back
What we never had
Oh, I can be manipulated only so many times
Before even "I Love You"
Starts to sound like a lie

Y/n came to the front door as Thor swung his hammer and went off. She ducked back as Steve turned back before going down the stairs. Y/n watched him leave before following him.

"Hey, wait." She called, causing Steve to stop.
He turned around and looked at her confused.
"Geez you move fast." She stated, running to catch up to him.
"Who are you?" Steve asked in a monotone voice.
"Sorry, should introduce myself first huh. I'm y/n, y/n Barton."
"Clints daughter? SIster?"
"Daughter, unfortunately."
"He never mentioned you."
"Shocker, real shocker." She said sarcastically causing him to laugh.
"I'm Steve." He said, holding his hand out.
"yeah I know. Natasha told me." She smiled as they shook hands.

The two began to walk down a pathway, getting to know each other. Soon it was as if they had known each other for a long time. They soon got back where they started.

"What's the deal with you and your father anyway?" Steve asked as they sat under a tree near the house.
"We aren't close as people would think a father daughter would be. W e used to be really close, but when my brother and sister were born he started to spend less time with me. That soon went to little to none."
"I'm sorry."
"No it's okay. I'm used to it by now." She said sadly.
"I know that we haven't known each other for long but I'm here for you. And from what I know about you already you are the kindest girl I know. Besides, no one deserves to be ignored by a parent."
"I trust you Steve."Y/n stated, standing up.
"I'm honored." Steve replied, following suit.
"Let's get home." She smiled, before they both left.

You have a hollowed out heart but it's heavy in your chest
I tried so hard to fight it but it's hopeless
You're hopeless
Oh father, please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father, please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter

It's been two days since Clint had brought the Avengers to the house. Y/n and Steve have been getting close and often find themselves just walking around, enjoying each others company. Slowly, y/n had gotten to know the other avengers. All of them knew of the relationship between her and her father and felt sorry for the girl.

Currently, she was outside reading on the stairs outside the back door while Steve and Tony cut some wood. She looked up to see them bickering to themselves, causing her to chuckle before looking back down. Her mom passed by her and squeezed her shoulder as she went down to ask Tony to look at the tractor in the shed.

Y/n winched as a shot of pain went through her head. She shook it off and looked up as a shadow came over her. She smiled as she seen it was Steve before winching again. Steve noticed and crouched down in front of her.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah fine, probably out for too long." She replied, rubbing her head.
"Let's get you inside." He smiled and stood up.

Y/n went to stand up but stumbled. Steve caught her before she could trip. Y/n went to move away but started swaying. Everything became blurry and she soon feel unconscious. Steve caught her properly before she could fully fall. He picked her up and rushed inside.

"GUys, a little help here." He called as he rushed into the kitchen.
Laura gasped from her seat at the table and stood up, Natasha following suit.
"Place her on the couch. Clint!!" She called as she threw the toys on the couch onto the floor.

Clint walked in and gasped at what he seen. Steve placed her on the couch and turned to Clint as Laura went to get some cold towels. Natasha made y/n more comfortable while watching the two men to see what would happen. She knew that Steve had grown protective of the young girl even though he had only known her two days.

"Rogers, let me see her." Clint said, moving to the side.
"I don't think you should." Steve replied, stepping in front of him again.
"And why the hell not?" Clint asked with rage.
"You never gave a damn about her before Barton so why would you start now? She told me everything. How you slowly spent less time with her when her brother and sister were born. How you never showed any interaction to her at all recently. She feels like you hate her Clint. Your own daughter feels like you don't want her." 
Clint stepped back, the reality hitting him.
"I never meant to make her feel like that. I do love her, I just thought she wanted space as she grew older."
"It's not us you have to convince." Natasha replied as she dabbed the wet cloth on y/ns forehead.
"I'll do that. Why don't you all go tell the others what happened." Clint stated, moving closer.

Natasha moved and gave the cloth to Clint before moving to the door. Laura smiled softly and kissed y/ns cheek before leaving to check on the kids. Steve was reluctant to leave the two alone but Natasha pulled him out of the room.

"They need this." She whispered to him.

Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you push me our of your world?
Lied to your flesh and your blood
Put your hands on the ones that you swore you loved
Don't you remember I'm your baby girl?
How could you throw me right out of your world?
So young when the pain had begun
Now forever afraid of being loved

Y/n winched as she slowly opened her eyes. Clint watched as her eyes adjusted to the light before turning her head. She gasped as she seen him there beside her.

"I'm confused." She stated.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry for ignoring you. I know you think I don't love you but I do. I love you so much babygirl. I just thought you needed space. Can you ever forgive me?"
"I don't know." SHe whispered.
Clint looked hurt.
"Do you remember when the storm was happening, and I was so scared that you decided to make a fort to make me feel better? Do you remember when I couldn't sleep so we stayed up late drinking hot chocolate laughing over everything and anything. Do you remember when I had a nightmare and I refused to leave your side so you slept in my room until I was fast asleep only to end up falling asleep yourself?" She asked, sitting up.
"No y/n, I don't." He said sadly.
"That's because it never happened. Well they did, but it wasn't you who helped, it was mom. She was there when I could of had you instead. A father is meant to love their daughter, be their best friend and their first love. ANd I feel like you aren't any of those things. I don't even feel like I can trust you." She cried.
Clint chocked as he held back tears.
"I'm so sorry babygirl, I wish I could turn back time but I can't. But I'm here now. Can we give it another go?" He asked hopeful.
"I guess we can try." She stated causing Clint to pull her into a hug.
"I love you y/n." He whispered.
"I hope I can believe that." She replied, accepting the hug, both unknown to her mother, Steve and Natasha watching them with a smile.

Oh father
Please father
I'd love to leave you alone but I can't let you go
Oh father
Please father
Oh father
Please father
Put the bottle down for the love of a daughter
For the love of a daughter

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