day 8 of 24.
Requested by manyotherthings
Recap: Y/n is Hawk eyes oldest daughter. They have a rocky relationship and have done since her brother and sister were born. None of the avengers know about her, or his family but when they go to his house to lay low, they met her. She becomes friendly with Steve. When something happens, will Clint realize what damage he has done to his relationship with his daughter?
Subtitle: "Never alone"
Y/n and Clint have worked on their relationship and have slowly regained their bond. As the Avengers get ready to leave for the fight y/n gets asked by Fury to help. How will a certain soldier react to his friend being put in risk.
Song used: Close your eyes by michael buble
Close your eyes
Let me tell you the reasons why
Think you're one of a kind
Here's to you
The one that I suppose is true
Do what you got to do
You're one of a kind
Thank god your mine
Y/n woke up to the light streaming through her curtains. She smiled and got up before heading to the bathroom. As she finished getting ready she heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." She called as she walked out.
"Morning." Steve called as he walked in.
"Hi Steve, how are you?"
"I'm good and you." He asked, sitting on the bed.
"I'm good. We still up for today?" She asked.
"Yeah, your sister want to come though."
"That's fine." She smiled as she finished tying up her hair.
Steve smiled and offered her his arm as y/n stood up. She laughed but accepted it as they walked out the door. They met her sister at the end of the stairs who was with her father.
"Morning dad." Y/n smiled.
"Morning sweetheart. Rogers."
"Where are yous going?"
"On a walk with this little angel." Y/n smiled as she picked her sister up.
"Well be careful. Be back soon." He warned.
"Yes dad." Y/n sighed before they left.
You're an angel dressed in armor
You're the fair in every fight
You're my life and my safe harbor
Where the sun sets every night
And if my love is blind
I don't want to see the light
It's your beauty that betrays you
Your smile gives you away
'Cause you're made of strength and mercy
And my soul is yours to save
And when this much is true
When my world was dark and blue
I know the only one who rescued me was you
"So, hows your relationship with your father going?" Steve asked as they watched y/ns sister run ahead of them.
"It's going good. I really think he changed for the better. Thank you." Y/n smiled, looking up at him.
"FOr what?" Steve asked,confused.
"I'm not stupid. I know you said something to him. Your the only one I told how I felt about everything that had happened between me and my father."
"I guess I just wanted him to realize that you needed him." He replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I appreciate it captain." SHe said causing him to laugh.
They walked the loop back to the house. Y/ns sister ran into the house but she and Steve stopped as they seen a black car. She looked at Steve to see his face harden.
"Who's that?"
"One of SHIELD. And I hav a feeling I know who it is." He replied, looking down at him.
"Is it important?"
"Should we go in."
Y/n laughed and kissed his cheek, causing him to look down at her.
"Let's go captain. They must need you if it's shield." She stated and pulled him back to the house.
Close your eyes
Let me tell you all the reasons why
You're never going to have to cry
Because you're one of a kind
Yeah here's to you
The one that always pulls us through
You always do what you got to do babe
Because you're one of a kind
"Say that again." Steve ordered as y/n looked ahead with a blank expression.
"I think thet y/n should help us in this battle. We distract the robots and she helps get everyone out. Simple."
"No it's not just simple Fury. Y/n doesn't need to be thrown into danger. She's only 17."
"I understand that rogers but I still feel that she should help."
Steve looked at y/n as she looked down at her shaking hands. He placed a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at him. He smiled softly at her before looking up as someone else spoke.
"I think she should do it." Clint spoke.
"Seriously?" Steve asked in shock.
"Yes. I think she'd be able for it."
"We're talking about putting a child in danger for what? Our benefit." Natasha asked.
"She hasn't even been trained. She doesn't know how to defend herself should she need to." Banner spoke.
"Why are we talking about her as if she isn't in the room? Pretty sure she can speak for herself." Tony stated, causing everyone to look at y/n.
Y/n looked up to all the avengers as they stared at her. She sighed and stood up from her seat and walked over to the sink, getting a drink of water. She looked outside as she took it before speaking.
"I'll do it." She muttered.
"Speak up. Didn't hear you." Fury spoke harshly.
"I said I'll do it. I'll help you guys." She stated.
Steve looked at her in shock. She was seriously going to risk her life for others. The one person he cared about since Peggy. He stormed out and everyone turned to him. Y/n sighed and followed after him as he walked out the front door.
When your luck was down in me
I know I'm finally free
So I tell you gratefully
Yes you'll be in my heart
Is yours to keep
Y/n followed Steve out as he left the house. SHe chased after him as he walked towards the woods.
"Steve, wait. Steve please." SHe called as he ignored him.
"Why y/n. Why would you agree to do that?" He asked as he turned to face her.
"Because I care Steve. I want to help those around me who can't fight for themselves." She explained.
"That's what the avengers do y/n. You don't have to do that, they have us." Steve shouted at her causing her to step back in fright
Steve never shouted and he regretted it.
"All my life I watched my dad fight for those who couldn't. ALl my life he didn't seem to care but yet I still waited until he came back, hoping that he was in one piece. I wanted to be like him Steve, help him save peoples lives. I want to help." She cried softly.
"I don't want you to get hurt."
"Why do you care about me so much Steve?"
"Because I love you." He said, immediately regretting it.
"YOu love me?" She asked in shock.
"Yes. Since you came out to me on the first day we came I knew there was something about you. I didn't realize what I was feeling was love but it is. And I know it's wrong but.................
Y/n cut him off by pulling him into a kiss. He froze in shock but soon kissed back. Y/n wrapped her arms around his neck as his snaked around her waist. She smiled as they pulled back, resting their foreheads upon each other.
"I love you too." She whispered, causing him to smile.
Close your eyes
Let me tell you all the reasons why
You're never going to have to cry
Because you're one of a kind
Yeah here's to you
You're the one that always pulls us through
You always do what you got to do babe
Because you're one of a kind
"Y/n go to the police station with Pietro. Alert them. Once that is done Pietro will bring you to the town center. Bring people to safety. Got it?" Fury stated into the earpiece.
"Got it." She replied looking at Steve.
"Be careful." He stated.
"I should be the one saying that." She joked before Pietro picked her up and left to the police station.
"Evacuate the town. Peoples lives are in danger." She told them before Pietro rushed off.
They soon came back when Pietro seen them not moving.
"Come on people move." He shouted taking a gun and firing it.
Pietro bought y/n to the center of the town before leaving her to get people to leave. She quickly begun to get people to move to a safer place. As she followed behind the crowds she heard a cry from behind her. She looked back to see a little boy causing her to think about her brother. She ran back and went to him.
"Hey sweetie, it's okay. I'm going to get out of here." She said softly.
"I want my mommy." He cried.
"I'll get you to her okay. Do you trust me?" She asked.
He hesitated before noding and taking her outstretched hand.
She picked him up and started running back to the direction of safety. She stopped as she seen robots coming towards her. She turned only to see more coming the same direction.
"Can someone come to the center?" SHe asked into her earpiece.
"What's going on y/n?" Steve asked.
"They are coming this direction." She replied before ducking out of the way.
Steve cursed and ran towards the center with Wanda close behind. Pietro came out of no where and picked up Wanda before running off. Steve groaned and ran faster. As they got there he seen many robots flying around, shooting at things.
"Clint, we need you." He said in his earpiece.
"Just finished here so be there in five." Clint replied.
"They keep coming." Natasha spoke.
"Keep fighting, they can't last forever." Steve stated and begun fighting.
"Go, I'll stay here." Wanda explained and they all separated.
Everyone was fighting while y/n tried to get out of the center. She peaked out to see no one near so made a run for it. She gasped as a robot came flying to her. SHe hunched over the child in her arms as it began to shoot at her only to feel nothing. She looked back to see Pietro slowly falling.
"Didn't see that coming." He said before collapsing.
"One down." Her voice wavered in the earpiece.
"Get to safety y/n, now." Steve ordered.
Y/n ran and got to the safety area before looking back, watching the fight between the many robots and avengers happen in front of her.
You're the reason why I'm breathing
With a little look my way
You're the reason that I'm feeling
It's finally safe to stay
Y/n ran past the crowds of people as the fight finished. SHe looked around before finally seeing him. She ran towards him with tears in her eyes.
"Steve." She shouted.
He stood up as she came towards him, wrapping his arms around her.
"YOur okay." She breathed.
"Hey I'm fine. What about you? Are you hurt?" HE asked, placing his hands on her face.
"No I'm fine. But Steve, Pietro..........."
"shhh, I know. It wasn't your fault y/n."
"But he tried to get to me but got shot instead of me."
"Don't blame yourself okay. Anyone could of needed his help in that situation okay."
"I suppose." She sighed.
"Why don't we get out of here. You seem tired." He smiled.
"Okay." She agreed, yawning a bit.
"Love you." He smiled.
"I love you too." She replied, kissing him softly.
"Captain, step away from my daughter." Clint stated causing them both to laugh.
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