Peter and his sister y/n live in the Avengers tower with Tony Stark as their guardian. At home, she seems fine but in school, she's far from fine. With the bullying being constant she ends up making herself ill/ How will the avengers react when they find out?
Who: Peter Parker
Requested by fandomglore
Ding!!! The bell went off, signalling the end of school. Y/n gathered her bits and pieces before heading towards her locker. Once sorted she closed her locker and turned to see a group of girls. Not just any girls, r/g/n's (Random Girls Name) group.
"Oh look, it's the orphan." R/g/n teased causing the other three girls to laugh.
"Leave me alone r/g/n" Y/n sighed, trying to get by.
"Oh we haven't even started yet." R/g/n stated, pushing her back into the lockers/
Y/n looked over the group of girls heads to see her brother and his best friend Ned walk out of the school. She sighed as Happy drove off.
"I bet her parents killed themselves to get away from her. I mean, who could live with that face living with them." Another girl in the group stated.
"I know I can barely stand seeing it in school." R/g/n agreed as the others laughed.
R/g/n grabbed y/n's chin, forcing her to look her in the eye.
"Your just a nobody y/n. Just face it. Your ugly, fat and somebody no one cares about. You could die today and no one would care. Peter just acts like he cares about you but he doesn't give a damn. As soon as he's able to leave you, he will. Your a loner and no one will ever want you. Your a pain to everyone. The fact that I'm talking to you right now is a miracle. Do us all a favor and leave. Never return here again." R/g/n hissed at y/n before throwing her away from the group.
"Stay away from here slut." One yelled.
"We don't want to see you until you lose some pounds." Another followed as y/n left.
"More like lose the ugliness." R/g/n stated to her group once y/n was out of sight causing the girls to laugh.
"What about y/n?" Peter asked as Happy drove off.
"She was late so I headed off." Happy replied.
"But hows she supposed to get home?"
"She has feet doesn't she?"
"Well yeah but........"
"Listen kid, Tony wants you home as soon as possible. Y/n will be fine on her own."
Peter sighed and slouched in his seat.
"What does Tony want that we couldn't wait for y/n?"
"I don't know Peter. Why don't you ask him when we get there?" Happy exclaimed, getting annoyed.
"Still think we should of waited." Peter said after a moments silence.
"Peter." Happy exclaimed causing Peter to keep quiet.
Y/n entered the Avenger tower lobby. She quickly got in the elevator and pressed the top floor.
"Miss Y/n, welcome back." Jarvis voiced as Y/n stood in the elevator.
"Thank you Jarvis."
"Shall I inform the others of your arrival?"
"No!! I mean, no Jarvis, thank you. I'm a little tired so I think I might lay down."
"You do seem pale miss Y/n, shall I inform Doctor Banner to check on you?"
"No Jarvis, there will be no need. I should be fine after a good rest."
"Alright. I'll wake you when dinner is ready."
"Don't bother. I'll get it when I wake." Y/n lied.
"Very well. Rest well miss y/n."
"Thank you Jarvis." Y/n sighed as she pulled her curtains closed.
"Jarvis, inform everyone that dinner is ready." Pepper asked.
"Informing tower residents of dinner." Jarvis recited.
One by one the avengers slowly piled into the kitchen. They each grabbed a plate before heading into the kitchen. Tony messed with Peters head as he passed him before eating in silence.
"Where's y/n?" Peter asked after a few minutes silence.
"I don't know, she should be down here by now." Pepper stated.
"Jarvis,where's y/n." Tony asked.
"Miss y/n is sleeping sir. She asked me not to disturb her if dinner was ready before she woke." Jarvis said.
"Why on earth is she sleeping at 5 during the day?" Natasha asked.
"Only one way to find out." Tony stated as he got up and left the room.
Tony left the avengers and made his way to the elevator. Once he got to y/n's room he knocked and waited for an answer. Upon getting no answer he opened the door to see y/n laying in bed. Moving closer he noticed sweat all over her body. He carefully placed his hand on y/ns forehead before pulling it back. He moved the covers and gasped at what he seen.
"Jarvis get doctor banner, now." Tony ordered with worry laced in his voice.
"Right away sir."
Tell him to hurry."
"Tony, what's wrong?"
"Look at y/n." Tony said as he moved towards Bruce.
"Oh no."
"Get her to my lab. Jarvis tell Peter to meet us there. I'll go get things sorted." Bruce ordered as he rushed off.
Y/n slowly began to move. Peter sat up as she slowly opened her eyes. Blinking, she turned to face her brother.
"She's awake." Peter called, turning to face his sister.
"WHat happened?"
"Your body began to shut down due to lack of food and nutrients." Bruce explained, checking over her.
"Wanna explain why you were starving yourself to near death." Tony asked, crossing his arms at the bottom of the bed.
"Notings going on." Y/n blurted out.
"I didn't ask what was going. But something must be for you to say that."
Y/n sighed and looked down.
"The girls, they wouldn't leave me alone. Fat, ugly, slut, a nobody, orphan, all they did was go on my looks or how I live. I had enough of it, I wanted to be like them. Pretty, but I wasnt. I thought starving myself would work."
"Is that why you cut yourself?" Peter asked sadly.
Y/n looked at Peter.
"I'm sorry Peter. I know you said I could go to over anything but I felt alone." Y/n said as she broke down.
"It's okay, we an help you. You'll get better, I promise." Peter said as he placed his hand on y/ns shoulder.
4 months later, y/n was in the kitchen eating breakfast. With the help of the avengers she became better. She slowly gained weight and soon felt confident in her own body. Tony and Steve had went into the school to talk to the principal and the girls who bullied y/n into starving and cutting herself were suspended till further notice. Overall y/n was much happier the she was to start with. And it was the avengers who, liked true heros, helped her.
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