Request: I was wondering if u could do one where Sebastian Stan x teen reader where she and her twin brother (chase) play the twin siblings to Bucky Barnes ever since first avenger( they are sixteen) and they are abused to the point where it is really bad and one day the sister defends the brother and tells him to run while she is protecting him and he runs to Sebastian and he calls the police while he driving to the house and when they get there is beaten to the point of major injuries.Then at the ends he adopts them and they sleep together on the bed and he is happy
Requested by: MarvelNerd4ever
"Do you think he's home." Chase asked fearfully as he and his twin walked up the driveway.
"I hope not but we are pretty late." Y/n replied.
"Maybe he'll understand?" He replied shyly.
"That's funny." She deadpanned as they opened the door.
"Where have you been!!"
They flinched as they heard the booming voice of their father.
"The house is a mess. Dinner isn't ready. You know your meant to clean and cook before I get home brats." He continued as he marched into the hall.
Y/n and Chases father was a well built man. He used to be a body builder but when he married their mother he gave it up to be a family man. He was kind and caring towards his kids until the death of his wife. She died due to a car crash which he blames the twins for. They were only three but he believes that since she was bringing them back from their nans that they were the cause of it. Since then he hadn't been the same. He became abusive, verbally at the start, but as they grew older he turned to physical violence. Now 15 years old, both had grown used to the blows and knew better then to speak of it. Y/n always tried to protect her brother which lead to her getting the worse beating.
"We,we got held up filming"Chase stuttered causing y/n to 'shh' at him.
"Does it look like I care?" Their father yelled.
They both whimpered, flinching back as they hit their backs against the wall.
"Aww, the poor babies are scared. Well guess what, no one cares. And why is that?" He taunted.
"Because we killed mom." They muttered.
"What have I told you about calling her mom. She's y/m/n to you, you dont deserve to call her your mom, you little f***ers." He stated as he threw a hit at them.
Chase fell onto the ground from the hit as their father turned and punched y/n in the stomach. As she fell beside her brother she grabbed her hand, from a young age they done it as a sense of comfort. Their father started to kick them and y/n crawled infront of her brother as he went for the head.
Suddenly a phone went off. y/f/n looked up and gave them a glare before going to answer it. y/n groaned and sat up carefully, looking back at Chase who had the least bruises. He looked up at her with fear in his eyes, they both knew their father had never went this far.
"Run Chase, get out of here." Y/n ordered weakly.
"Not without you." He shook his head.
"No Chase run, he is never this bad and I don't want you to get hurt as much. Your weak as it is."
"I'm fifteen minutes younger then you" He stated causing y/n to give him a look.
They both looked in the direction of their father as he slammed the phone down.
"Go Chase go." She said a little louder causing Chase to look at her, "I'll be fine. Just get out of here."
Chase looked to his fathers direction then back at his sister who gave him a pleading look. Closing his eyes he got up and made a run for the door as his father came back.
"Boy get back here." y/f/n yelled at him but he ignored him and ran out the door.
Their father turned to y/n.
"You b***h. You best hope he doesnt tell or their will be hell to pay." He warned before kicking her in the stomach and walking off.
Sebastian lay on his couch scrolling through Netflix when he heard a pounding on his door. He got up and opened it ready to give out until he seen it was Chase. Seeing him beat up he rushed to help him as he stumbled.
"Chase what the hell happened to you? Wheres y/n." Sebastian asked as he placed his on screen younger brother on the couch.
The young boy just looked at him in fear, breathing heavily.
"Chase what's happened? How are you so beaten up. Come on bud tell me so I can help you." Sebastian pleaded, placing a hand on Chases cheek as he crouched in front of him.
Chase flinched before allowing him to touch him.
"Chase, talk to me, where's y/n." Sebastian asked softly with concern
"At home......... Dad...........Beaten" Chase said between breathes.
Sebastian looked at him in shock, grabbing his phone.
"Did your dad beat you too? Is that how you got all these bruises." He asked carefully.
Chase nodded.
"Okay Chase, I need you to tell me everything on the way alright buddy. I promise that you will be safe but we need to go get y/n out of there. Come on, we'll call the police on the way."
Y/n had weakly moved to her bedroom and was currently crying in pain. Her whole body was bruised and bleeding and she was pretty sure that her arm was either sprained or broken. As she heard sirens her father burst through the door.
"The little f***er snitched. You told him too didn't you." He yelled grabbing her by the hair.
"No I didn't I swear." She stated in fear.
"I don't believe you, you good for nothing piece of s**t."
y/f/n punched her in the stomach and aloud her to drop to the ground before tepping on her already painful arm. SHe screamed in pain as he picked her up by the arm and flung her across the room before continuously punching and kicking her. As she started to become tired she heard the front door being kicked down and her father being pulled away from her. She felt someones arms going to her neck, checking for a pulse before moving hair from her face.
"Your alright baby, your safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore."
"Sebastian?" She asked weakly, looking up at her on screen brother.
"Yeah babe it's me." He smiled weakly, a tear slipping from his eye.
"I'm tired." She whined weakly.
"You can rest now. Your safe now." He cooed at her as she closed her eyes.
A week later y/n was still in hospital. She had multiple bruises and cuts all across her body and her arm had been shattered leading to them having to do surgery to try and fix the damaged. She was now in a cast. She also had bleeding into the stomach and a concussion. Chase got away lightly with only bruises and cuts.
Y/n smiled as Sebastian came in from the canteen. Chase was asleep beside her with his head on the bed, gripping her hand. Sebastian sat on the opposite side of her bed and smiled as he moved a piece of hair from her face.
"Hey girl, you alright?" He asked.
"I'm alright. When can I get out here?"
"Hopefully soon. They are gonna check up on you today and we'll see from there."
She nodded and looked down at her brother.
"Thank you, for saving us. I thought I was as good as gone." She stated.
"That's ok, it's what family does."
Y/n looked down at Chase with a sad smile.
"What's going to happen to us now?" She asked softly, looking at him.
Sebastian smiled at her softly and took her other hand. They both turned to see Chase slowly waking up.
"Right now, you two are going to come back with me. And you'll be there for now on." He explained.
"You mean............" Y/n started, smiling.
"Your taking us in?" Chase finished, smiling as well.
"Yeah, that's generally what happens when someone adopts." Sebastian said casually.
The twins smile grew as he said that.
At the end of the day y/n was discharged. The twins and Sebastian were now currently lying on his bed, watching a movie, both y/n and Chase curled up to his side. As the movie ended he looked down to see them both fast asleep. He smiled and kissed both of their heads, happy to have them safe and secure in his arms, before closing his eyes with a smile on his face.
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