xvii. prophecy

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* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*
forbidden forest
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*

hope had met up with the ginny, luna, neville, and ron.

"how'd you get away?" hermione asks.

"snape let me go and i caught up with them." hope says.

"puking pastilles, it wasn't pretty." ginny says.

"told them i was hungry, and wanted some sweets." ron says with a proud smile.

"that was clever ron." hermione praises.

"it was brilliant. . . so, how we getting to london?" neville asks.

"look, it's not that i don't appreciate everything you've done, all of you, but, i've got you into enough trouble as it is." harry says, walking away.

"dumbledore's army was supposed to be about doing something real. was it all just words to you?" neville asks, causing harry to turn around.

"mate, you don't have to do this all by yourself mate." ron says.

"we can help, the more people you have by your side, the better." hope says.

"so how are we going to get to london?" harry says, after a moment of silence.

"we fly of course." luna says with a dreamy look in her eyes.

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in the air?
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dumbledore's army had been in the air, on thestrals.

hope wasn't exactly fond of heights, so let's just say she clung into her thestral like her life depended on it.

each of them had their own thestral, luna, ginny, neville, hope, hermione, ron, and harry.

luna, unlike everyone else, had been admiring her trip on the thestrals.

by nightfall, they had gotten to the ministry.

there had been thunder and lightning so that just made hope and the rest of them cling onto their thestrals harder.

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department of mysteries
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the 7 had gotten into the ministry. they had gotten into some elevator type of thing.

"this is it." harry says, as they start walking towards a door, after getting off of the elevator.

they had walking into a room with a bunch of orbs. hope created a bright light, like a flashlight, in her hand, to help navigate and see. there was a thud, and a passageway had opened up. they had decided to walk through the passageway cautiously. harry had been way ahead of them, speedwalking.

"93. . . 94. . . 95. . . 96. . . 97. . ."

harry had gotten to the intersection he was looking for, and looked around. he turned to d.a.

"he should be here." harry says.

"harry, hope." neville says.

harry and hope had turned to where neville was, and walked.

"i-its got your name's on it."

there had been 2 bulbs, one had gold smoke and the other was just plain white smoke concealed. harry had grabbed his prophecy, and sybil trelawney had popped up.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...and the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows not... For neither can live while the other survives...."

hope had been hesitant to hear hers but did anyways, a witch from her home in new orleans had popped up.

"The girl who will be the downfall of all witches...to aid the chosen one through his journey...for without her...he will not win...the one with more power than the dark lord will dream of...and whom he will seek most for victory."

"harry! hope!" hermione yelled.

they went to where the rest were and saw someone with a cloak on, they had shined their lights towards him. the cloaked figure approached them.

"where's sirius?" harry asked.

"you should know how to tell the difference between dreams, and reality."

there stood lucius malfoy. hope scowled, that caught lucius' attention, she could've sworn she had seen a look of fear in his eyes.

"you saw what the dark lord wanted you to see." lucius says, and hope scoffed.

"it was a trap." she mutters in disbelief.

lucius hums.

"now hand us the prophecy's. . . and the girl."

"you do anything to us, we'll break it." harry says quickly.

there was a cackle from behind lucius.

"he knows how to play. . . itty, bitty, baby. . . potter!" a crazed woman with dark curly hair, sunken in cheek's and black clothing.

"bellatrix lestrange." neville mutters.

hope's eyes widen, she remembered neville telling her about bellatrix and how she tortured his parents into insanity.

"neville longbottom is it? how's mum and dad?" bellatrix asks.

"better now that they're about to be avenged!" neville says.

"neville, no! i admire your bravery, but not now. don't worry, she will get whats coming for her, but not now." hope says.

"hope mikaelson huh." bellatrix hums.

"you don't look all powerful to me." bellatrix scoffs.

"why don't we test that theory?" hope says taking a step towards bellatrix.

"let's everybody just calm down. all we want are those prophecies, and the girl of course—she's the key to everything." lucius says, putting his hand out, to stop bellatrix, harry doing the same.

"why did voldemort need me to come and get this?" harry says.

"you dare speak his name, you filthy half blood!" bellatrix roars.

"he's just a curious lad, aren't you." lucius says.

"prophecies can only be retrieved by those about whom they are named. which is lucky for you, really." lucius says.

by now, there were death eaters surrounding d.a.

"so. . . he has you doing his dirty work?" hope says.

"it's an honor to fufill the dark lord's tasks! something you know nothing about." bellatrix exclaims.

"and i'd like to keep it that way." hope says with a sarcastic smirk.

"haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you, and the dark lord." lucius says as him and bellatrix walk forward, towards the kids.

"how he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant. did you want to learn the secret of your scar? all the answers are there, potter, in your hand. all you have to do, is give it to me. i can show you everything. "

"don't do it harry." hope whispers.

"i've waited 14 years." harry says.

"i know." lucius says with fake pity.

"i guess i can wait a little longer. now!"

"stupefy!" went around the room.

a passageway had been cleared and the group ran through it. lucius apparated in front of them, once they got to the back of the passage, sticking his hand out.

the group had ran one way but lost luna on the way.

"levicorpus!" they had heard luma say, sending a death eater away.

"petrificus totalus!" neville says, helping luna.

"stupefy!" hermione says, pointing to the death eater in front of her.

"stupefy!" ron says trying to help her.

hope, hermione, and ron were running, and ran into luna, ginny, and neville, causing hermione to yelp.

there was another death eater coming through the aisle.

"reducto!" ginny said.

the prophecies started to fall, causing the group to run, once again.

they went through a door, which they didn't know didn't have antything below it. they had fell through it.

"arresto momentum!" hope says, causing them to stop a little above the floor, before slamming down into it. causing all of them to yelp.

harry and hope got up, still with the prophecies in their hand.

"department of mysteries." ron says once they get up.

hope, harry and luna heard voices coming through the veil.

"the voices, can you tell what they're saying?" harry says.

"there aren't any voices harry." hermione says.

"let's get out of here." hermione says.

"i can hear them too." luna says.

"me too." hope says.

"you guys, it's just an empty archway." hermione says.

"it's probably like thestrals, only people who have seen someone die can hear the voices." hope says.

"please, you guys." hermione says.

harry looks up and raises his wand.

"get behind me."

hope would've snorted if it wasn't such a serious situation, but everyone did as followed.

they heard a whooshing sound and saw black smoke overcome them. each member tried to fight off the hands trying to grab them but failed.

hope had been grabbed and felt a chain surround her hand. as she landed, she knew what it was. the chain that prevents witches from using magic.

she smelt another werewolf in sight. she immediately knew who it was.

fenrir greyback.

a known werewolf, probably one of the most vicious, from the exception of her father of course.

hope saw harry in the center, getting up, with the two prophecies in his hand. harry looked around, seeing all his friends held by death eaters.

there was a cackling sound, but different than bellatrix, it was lucius malfoy.

"did you actually think, or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance, against us?"

-1445 words

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