xvi. goodbyes

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
astronomy tower
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

"do you think he would've done it? draco?" hermione says as the quartet chat on the astronomy tower.

"no...no, he was lowering his wand, in the end it was snape, it was always snape, and i did nothing." harry says.

"don't blame yourself, harry." hope says.

"it was fake." harry says, after he placed the same necklace he took from dumbledore, into hermione a hand,"open it." harry says, and hermione does.

when she does, she finds a note in it.

"to the dark lord,

i know i will be dead long before you read this, but i want you to know it was i, who discovered your secret. i have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as i can. i have faced death in hope that you will meet your match, once mortal again.


R.A.B?" hermione questions once more.

"dunno, but whoever they are, they have the real horcrux. it means, it was all just a waste, all of it."harry says, defeated.

everyone just stood quietly, in a moment of silence as they admired hogwarts once again.

"we're okay with it, y'know." hermione says to harry.

"you and hope." she says, once seeing harry's confused look.

"if i were you, when he's around, i'd keep the sniffing to a minimum." hermione says, making harry chuckle lightly.

"i'm not coming back, you guys. i've got to finish whatever dumbledore started, and i don't know where that'll lead me, but i'll let you, ron, and hope know where i am." harry says.

"i've always admired your courage, harry, but sometimes, you can be really thick." hermione says, making harry look extremely offended.

"you don't really think your going to find all those horcruxs by yourself, do you? you need us, harry." hermione says.

harry looks in thought, as they keep admiring hogwarts,"i never realized how beautiful this place is." until they hear a screech.

they see fawkes, flying free.

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hope knocks on harry's dorm, as he opens the door, to reveal him, with messy hair, and his trunk on his bed.

"how've you been doing?" hope asks.

"pretty good, i'll be better and relaxed after we find these horcruxs and defeat voldemort." harry says.

"then we can be together, freely." hope says, a giddy smile on her face.

"yeah, without having to worry about anything except jobs, and that muggle thing called taxes." harry says with a laugh, a genuine laugh, and the first genuine laugh since dumbledore died.

harry puts his arm around hopes waist, pulling her towards him, gently, as he traced shapes on her hips. both of them savored this moment, as they knew it would be the last one in a while. they were each other's escape. when things got too hard, the presence and comfort from one another, was the thing that got them through it.

"what are we gonna do after this? i mean, we've gotten so accustomed to fighting and suffering that going back to normal is gonna feel weird." harry says.

"it's not going to be easy, your most likely going to have PTSD, because of how much trauma you went through, but we'lol get through it...together." hope says.

"together." harry confirms, making hopes heart flutter in happiness, and blue on blue met, as they share one last kiss before going home, and back to the reality that is their life.

that was when harry noticed it, the lavender smell, the same lavender smell he smelt in his amortentia. he smelt it before but just put the pieces together.

hope, too, had smelt the same cologne she smelt in her amortentia, though she recognized it the first time harry kissed her.

(a/n); aaaaaaandddddd that's it for hbp!!!!

i forgot about amortentia for a minute and when i was eereading my chapters, i read that part and had to fit it somewhere.


-656 words.

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