vi. detention

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hope was at gryffindor common room, waiting for harry to return from detention with umbridge. hope didn't like nor trust her, she wanted to check up on harry after he came back. ron and hermione told her he was fine and saying things like "what's the worse she can do?""it's just detention."

but soon enough, she smelt a bit of blood from her werewolf senses.

she could smell it more and more as time came. just when she had gotten up to see where it came from, harry had walked through the common room.

the smell of blood had gotten stronger the closer harry came. it was a little she could tell but it was still there.

hope scanned harry's body for cuts and saw he was hiding his hand in his sleeve.

"give me your hand harry." hope demanded.

harry gave hope the wrong hand.

"other one." then he gave it to her but on the wrong side.

"flip it over." she said. and that's when she saw it. "i must not tell lies" engraved into harry's skin with a single drop of blood.

hope had frowned, now she really felt guilty.

"are you going to tell them?" hope asked.

"no, it's not a big deal. i don't want anyone to get involved or possibly hurt." he said, somehow knowing that hope was talking about hermione and ron.

"you know they will find out, especially hermione."

"maybe, just don't tell. please?" harry asked.

hope held out her pinky with a giggle.

the corners of harry's lips turned up and he interlocked his pinky with hers.

"i won't tell." hope said.

harry nodded and plopped himself next to her.

"what did she do?" hope asked.

"blood quill, i think." harry says with a frown.

"about class earlier—"

"hope it's fine."

"— i shouldve stood up for you i'm—"

"hope yo—"

"so sorry, i know you would've done the same for me—"

"hope!" harry exclaimed.

hope had quiet down and looked at harry.

"it's okay, i'm glad you didn't have to go through this." harry said with a smile before saying "i'm glad you care though." with a smirk.

hope had punched him in the chest with a chuckle before saying.

"shut up, but it's different, i would heal because of my blood."

"it still would've hurt at the moment though."

"yeah, well i can handle that."

"thank you, hope." harry said seriously.

"your welcome, harry." hope says.

they stared awkwardly at a each other for a minute, before harry spoke up.

"good night."

"goodnight harry." hope said softly sending a smile which was gladly returned.

they had walked up to their dorms and parvati, hermione, and lavender were already sleeping.

hope snuck over to her trunk and opened it. she dug in it for a minute before taking out parchment and a quill, with an ink pot.

she dipped her quill in the ink pot and she started writing on the parchment

dear aunt freya,

i obviously miss you and the family very much but i also have earned friends. hermione had introduced me to a boy named neville longbottom, ron and harry introduced
me to seamus and dean.

you know that rich spoiled white boy who picks on people whenever he gets the chance? yea, there's one here too. draco malfoy. rich daddy's boy. 2 fat bodyguards, and a stink attitude. i tried to hex him once but the trio had stopped me before i could.

there's this crazy teacher named umbridge. you won't believe what she did aunt freya. don't tell the rest of the order.  she gave harry a blood quill and made him write "i must not tell lies." on the back of his hand.

i felt like going over there myself and kicking her ass. i almost did in class but controlled myself. i felt bad that i didn't defend harry but it all happened so fast.

she gives me the worst vibes. she is a worker of the ministry which is probably why she is denying the return of voldemort.

i need uncle kol, aunt rebekah, and uncle marcel to be careful. voldemort is trying to recruit other dark creatures such as vampires and werewolves.

he sometimes forces you to so just make sure they are at their strongest at all times.

protect yourself too aunt freya, and same for aunt davina. i have no idea if fudge thinks you guys are a threat and will try to lock you up or something.

well goodbye, i should be getting to sleep.

owl me whenever <3

-hope mikaelson

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