v. amortentia

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*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*
potions class
*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*

hope and hermione were in potions class, when they heard footsteps, they look to them, to reveal harry, and ron.

"ah! harry, my boy. no need to worry, brought someone with us, i see." slughorn says.

"ron weasley, sir, i'm dead awful at potions, a menance actually, s—" he says but is held back by harry.

"nonsense, we won't leave you out, any friend of harry's is a friend of mine, get your books out." slughorn says, turning back around.

"sorry sir, i haven't actually got my book yet, nor's ron." harry says.

"not to worry, get one from the cupboard...now as i was saying, i've prepared some concoctions this morning,any idea's what these might be?" slughorn says, referring to the cauldrons in front of him. hermione raised her hand.

"yes, ms—"

"—granger sir." hermione says, walking up, but hope was distracted by harry and ron, who were by the cupboard, fighting over a new book, and an old book, ron won.

hope let out a barely audible snort, as she zoned back into hermione's voice.

"and that one there, is amortentia, the most powerful love potion in the world. it's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. for example, i smell; freshly mowed grass, and...new parchment and...spearmint...toothpaste—" hermione let's in an intake of air, shocked at what she smelt, or rather who she smelled, ronald.

hope could smell it from where it was, she smelt, the scent of her candle back at her new orleans home...the scent of her hogwarts down shared with hermione, and cologne, she had felt like she smelt this cologne before, but didn't know where.

her thoughts were interrupted by slughorn,"now, amortentia doesn't creat real love—" hope sees lavender brown, romilda vane, katie bell, pansy parkinson, and 2 other girls, walk forward, as if attracted to the potion, itself,
but her and hermione stayed put. "that would be impossible, but it does cause powerful infectuation, or obsession, for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room." he says, closing the lid of the potion, making the girls step back, stepping out of their trance.

"sir, you haven't told us what's in that one." katie says, pointing to a vial, way smaller than the other cauldrons.

"oh yes, what you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion, known as felix felicis, but it is more commonly known as—" slughorn says.

"liquid luck!" hermione interrupted.

"yes, ms. granger, liquid luck. desperately tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong. one sip, and you will find all your endeavors succeed...at least until the effects wear off, so, this is what i offer each of you today, one tiny vial of liquid luck, for the student who in the hour that remains managed a brew acceptable draught of the living dead. recipe for which can be found on page 10 of your books. i should point out, only one student managed to brew a potion sufficient enough to claim this prize. never the less, good luck to you all, let the brewing commence."

everyone went to their cauldron, after turning to page 10.

everyone tried cutting the sopophorus beans, but they kept flying out of grip.

harry drops his juice into his potion, making hermione look at him questioningly.

"how did you do that?" hermione says.

"crush it, don't cut it."

"no! the instructions specifically say to cut."

"no, really."

hope shrugged, and surprisingly, when she crushes the bean, it doesn't fly out.

seamus adds something to his potion, but it ends up blowing up in his face.

after the end of class, slughorn walks around, looking at everyone's potions.

he drops some type of bean into harry's, "merlins beard! it is perfect, so perfect, i'd say one drop would kill us all."

harry lifts his eyebrows up, smiling softly.

"so here we are, as promised, one vial, of felix felicis...congratulations." slughorn says, giving harry the potion.

"use it well." slughorn starts applauding, causing everyone else to do the same.

(a/n): i deeply regret making this because it's so hard to find where to fit hope, because let's be honest, she could easily snap voldy's neck, or track the horcrux's.

- i'm not gonna stop the story, i'm gonna finish it for you guys.

-hope you enjoyed the chapter.

-love from L <3.

748 words.

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