Mission Griddys is a go

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Ava was woken by the mission alarm at 6am but it didn't matter because she wasn't aloud on mission being only 3. Ava's mom Grace came into your room.
"Ava darling you have to get up, you, Vayna and Dad are going to overview the mission," Ava's mom says
"Can I bring Bruce?" Ava asks
"Yes, now let's get you dressed," Grace said
As Ava got dressed in her uniform 6 out of 7 of Ava's older siblings were rushing around getting their mission suits on.
"Number 8 are you ready," Her father Sir Reginald Hargreeves asked
"Yes just grabbing Bruce the moose," Ava say
As you walked out of your room and went to the car.
"Morning Va-Va," Luther says as being the first one in the car beside Ava, Vayna and their dad.
"Morning Lu-Lu," Ava say still tired
When the Hargreeves family got to the mission which was a bank robbery the 6 kids rushed in while Ava, Vayna, and Sir Reginald went to a nearby building to over view the mission.
" I can't see," Ava whined
" Come here Va-Va," Vanya said picking up Ava
"Thanks Ya-Ya," Ava said
"You're welcome," Vayna said
Once the 6 kids got out of the bank the three on the building rooftop joined them at the car.
"How was the mission?" Vayna asked
"Good," Diego says
When they get home their mom has made breakfast.
"Hello kids," their mom said
"Hi Mom," said the kids rushing to the table for breakfast
After breakfast the kids had free time.
"Hey Lu-Lu want to arm wrestle," Ava asks
"Oh you are on," Luther says
Luther starts pushing and Ava pushes back until Luther pushes and then Ava pushes so hard and Luther's arm is down on the table.
"Yes I won," Ava says
"Good job Va-Va," Luther says
"You guys want to go to Griddys?" Alison asks
"Yeah," the kids say
The kids all walk to griddys when they get there they see a new waitress.
"Hi welcome to Grridy's," the waitress says
"Hey," Five says picking Ava up
"What would you guys like to order?" She asks
"I will have a glaze," Five says
"I will a chocolate eclair," Ben says
"I will have a chocolate old fashioned," Alison says
"I will have a glaze," Luther says
"I will have a chocolate glaze," Vayna says
"I will have a sprinkle," Diego says
"Ava what do you want?" Five asks
"Powdered sugar jelly," Ava says
"Ok," the girl says
The 8 kids sit at the bar.
"So Luther I saw you making goo-goo eyes at the waitress," Five says putting Ava on his lap
"No I wasn't," Luther says
"Yeah you were," Five says
"Whatever," Luther says
"Here is your food," the waitress says
"Thanks.." Luther says grabbing the food
"Kali," the waitress says handing him a note
The umbrella academy walks out of the shop and got home.
"So what did she hand you?" Klaus asks as he opened the door
"A note?" Luther says
"What's on the note?" Ben asks
"Her number," Luther says with a smile
"Ooooooooohhhhh," the older kids all say
"Ava what do have to say on your favorite brother having a girlfriend?" Diego asks
"She is not my girlfriend!" Luther says
Ava just shrugged her shoulders and kept eating her doughnut.

(544 words not including A/N)
A/N: hi guys you can request just dm me

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