My Jamaican Mate

My Jamaican Mate

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" haven't you ever been on a plane before?" I asked her while raising my brow. " No actually incase you haven't realized where I'm from I don't really have time to envision myself on a firm butt seat with seatbelt and wheels" she said adding a eyeroll at the end.my jaw ticked once, that eyeroll will have her strapped to m bed for a week, I haven't even spent a full day with her yet and yet still I feel myself getting annoyed by her traits. I am not a patient man but she'll come to find that out soon if she doesn't shut her mouth when I tell her to. " Bella you should watch that attitude of yours I mean who knows what I'll do provided the chance ........I mean leaving my finger prints around your neck? sounds arousing to me and my wolf" she visibly stiffened " wait...wolf? what are you going on about sir clearly your delusional to be thinking your a wolf.... but then again I suppose it makes sense considering your doggish personality, ugly face and rough sink not to mention your ability to be simple minded" my jaw ticked twice, this woman would be the death of me. I truly thought having a mate would be ok and manageable, a kind of a do as I say and not as I do kinda thing but I guess all the "easy" is out the window with my Jamaican mate. They are aggressive and stubborn by nature so I guess I should have expected this.~.~.~.~.~.~.~Dries is the king of Morowa , he is brutal, nonchalant and always serious. he has been trying to find his mate for centuries now, he's searched everywhere went from country to country but never Jamaica why? because he never would have guessed that Rikea the god of the werewolf's would place her in such a unthinkable location. I mean who would have thought right?. Follow Dries and Nori on there exciting adventure of secrets, love, betrayal and mystery.…