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SAM'S (POV)Sam is a college graduate with a magnacumlaude award and she has a schoolmate that is a sumacumlaude and the name is james cortez. So it's the time of vacation sam look for a summer job she find a job she is now a call center agent with her three bestfriend lyka, josh, and bianca they started work after one week (AFTER 1 WEEK)sam texted josh, lyka, and bianca to get ready a few minutes ago sam came first in there agency she is bored because no one is around and her three bestfriend is to late and there is boy came after her and against she is so bored she ask him what is his name and the boy answered my name is james cortez sam remember his name and she ash again were did you school from college james said in the university of london so sam told james that you are the you are tge sumacumlaude in that school sam forget to introduced her self. Hi! my name is sam pheifer im your schoolmate in college im the magnacumlaude so hi a few months ago they developed each other james started courting sam. Sam said yes at the first court of james. James is so happy of that so he treat a date. A few years ago........... they get married and they have a to children a boy and a girl boy named jared and the girl name jinky (END OF THE CHAPTER ONE)…