A Cupid's Archer | English Ver.
➹- Sometimes, cupids fall in love with lonesome or rather, for this case, cold and unreadable archers. That goes for the socially active and high confident president of Class 1 - Archimedes, Shane (PW). Shane founds himself paired with one of the members / officers of the Supreme Student Council, Damien, for an English presentation. Feeling in luck until he was met with the so called "bland and strict" members of the council. Eventually warming up to them just because of one similarity a group of members on the council, shipping students. Shane was then introduced to a not so popular yet legal page of their school's shipping account mainly for shipping students like what the name suggests. Earlier before this, Shane met the cold, expressionless, and nonchalant President of the SSC, Archer (P). To revenge back for the sassy and attitude given by the president, Shane teasingly shipped himself to Archer as a joke and revenge, or is it really just for those? Where could this arrow lead to and can the archer pass this arrow back?…