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Sometimes the warm feeling of love is more important than a simple gift under the tree, sometimes the smell of a cup of hot chocolate is enough to share with the person you love, sometimes a gift is not always a material thing...BoruMitsu Christmas story for the MitsuBoru Christmas week 2023One shot story…



460 13 2

Sometimes you feel lonely and sometimes you feel hopeless, but even so, there are times when you can find relief in the misery.My hands are as cold as my soul and lips, You were the only one that could warm me, but now not even you can do such a thing.I'm a dead man in the life world, your lips are as cold as mine, but even so, I know that kissing them would be my salvation.Now I have you back, but it's not in the way I would like to. I'm going to be by your side even if you would never shine again, even with the pain in your eyes, even with your misery inside.I love you, I love you, I love you. Nothing is going to change that.Even with this cold feeling inside my heart, you are the only one I can truly love and the one I'll die for...…