I Can Put A Bandaid On it <3

I Can Put A Bandaid On it <3

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Y/n is the 141's combat medic who has a way of clawing into the soliders emotion's and giving them all the love they deserve πŸ«Άβ€¦

β€– Lost then found again β€–

β€– Lost then found again β€–

1,084 22 10

"Hey Ryan.." Dylan softly spoke, waving his remaining hand. Ryan stood there in shock before speaking to the boy, "You're dead...".…

⨉ Free Us ⨉

⨉ Free Us ⨉

6 0 1

Got this idea from a 'Listener submission' on a podcast! The story is closely the same but altered slightly to make it more my own rather than just making it word for word! If anyone want's to go listen to the original podcast story you can find it on the podcast 'Believing in the Bizarre'!…

β€– Rylan Oneshot! β€–

β€– Rylan Oneshot! β€–

267 10 1

β€– This is my first story so It's not gonna be good but I hope some people enjoy it! β€– β€– A Rylan fanfiction! ‖…