Can You Fix The Broken?  ||Lashton||

Can You Fix The Broken? ||Lashton||

60 3 1

Do you ever have one of those days where you just wanted to disappear and never return? I feel that every day. Have people made fun of you, judged you, beat you up? Have you felt like you were worthless?Welcome to my life. My awful, depressing life where I experience all this every day. The life where I cut myself, starve myself, want to die.Enjoy your stay. You probably won't. But there's no probably in this matter. You will hate it and you will hope and pray to get out. Just like me.…

Little Kitty Boy ||Zianourry||

Little Kitty Boy ||Zianourry||

5,651 254 4

It was a normal day for the four boys of One Direction. Louis, Zayn, Niall, and Harry were just going out for a bit of boyfriend time when the stumbled upon something they've been waiting for. Something magnificent. They find a beautiful boy, shivering and bone-thin. There was something about him that enchanted the boys. Not the fuzzy ears or tail the boy had, but the beautiful brown eyes than encased only fear. They find themselves falling in love with a boy who has no idea what love is. They manage to take the hybrid in, take him on tour. But he's scared of everything. Will a bad past and a pair of ears and tail effect One Direction's feelings? Will Liam learn what love is? Find out in Little Kitty Boy.…

One Direction Slash One-Shots

One Direction Slash One-Shots

300 3 1

Here you will find a selection of (very) short stories from any One Direction Bromance. Zianourry, Ziall, Lirry, Niam, Zouis, Zarry, Nouis, Ziam, Narry, Lilo and Larry. Each is written by a sent in prompt, which you can send to me though inbox and/or comments.…