

10 0 2

Cosette is a girl with big dreams that she finally gets to accomplish. Accepted to her dream university, she arrives in the perfect life. Top cheer scholarship. Great classes. "Amazing" girlfriend back home. Perfect roommate. But what happens when that plan gets destroyed her first day when she gets the wrong roommate. Enter RIley Hopkins future campus big shot basketball star who's at the center of everything. Gets everything she wants but one thing. Cosette. The one thing she can't have . What will happen when they are forced to live together will they open up or will Cosette stay the good loyal girlfriend…

5 years and 9 months

5 years and 9 months

73,217 927 24

Its been 5 years and 9 months since the specialist broke the girls hearts. 5 years and 9 months since the girls where left at the alter.5 years and 9 months since the specialist started the worst mission of their lives.5 years and 9 months since the Winx left Magix and ran for their lives.What will happen when the Winx return with the specialist children.Will the girls ever learn the truth?Will the guys ever know the truth about their kids?Will the Winx forgive the guys?…

The missing flame

The missing flame

39 0 1

Lola was just a girl living in a bubble until one day that all changed when a girl came falling out of the sky and she realized that maybe the world is bigger than the bubble she lives in. Winx fan fiction…

Society... Burn in Hell

Society... Burn in Hell

9 0 1

Kay Vanderbilt, belongs to the richest, most perfect family in Brooksville. Everything that you want she probably has, friends, money, clothes, you name it she has it. But what happens when all her families secrets start spilling out one by one more importantly what happens when they find out she's the one spilling them...…



3,353 66 9

This is the second book to 5 years and 9 months its al about the kids growing up so have fun.... The kids go on new more exciting adventure but they have no clue what there parents did all those years ago. Watch them uncover their past while dealing with what the futur has to hold…

Our Future

Our Future

254 4 1

Musa and Riven are grown up now and have been married for 2 years. all the other Winx are specialist are happily married and have kids. What happens when they start there family? Will they fight or be happy? Will Musa and Riven make it through on of the toughest times of there lives?…