enthralled ; dabi

enthralled ; dabi

8 1 1

all it takes is one night. one night at a party, for him to become completely enthralled.--my friend hyped me up for this (ily ash) so i hope you like it :)…

celestial {genderbend}

celestial {genderbend}

9,614 704 25

Magic, as you may know, is quite an extraordinary thing. But not any little bit of magic can explain this.~*~Hazel Potter, Rosalie Weasley, and Henry Granger don't quite understand why and where they are-they can't find the rest of the Weasleys anywhere, and they were stranded...seemingly. That is until they manage to find themselves on Privet Drive, the exact night Harry was to be picked up.…

indecisive decisions

indecisive decisions

271 22 20

❝ where do we go from here? ❞A stubborn Gwendolyn Farris absolutely refused to buy into the story-based choice games her friends were oh so obsessed with. She found them to be pointless and it seemed as though her best friends were choosing them over her.Her refusal makes sense- however, it doesn't matter much when she finds herself stuck in one. Now faced with having to save the magical world of Occeralia, will Gwen ever manage to get home?…

upside down ~ golden era

upside down ~ golden era

161 14 2

When the hat deemed Jade a Slytherin, she was more than surprised-especially when it resulted in her getting disowned by her family.Even more surprising, the unlikely friendships and mysteries that she discovers a long the way; for example, accidentally killing someone?It's a long story.…

hanahaki -> NaNoWriMo 2018

hanahaki -> NaNoWriMo 2018

266 23 8

Gwendolyn never meant for any of this to happen. She never meant to get detention. She never meant to meet Sebastian Duvall. Gwendolyn never meant to fall in love with him.Sebastian never meant to die.…

The Hill {Fabian Prewett}

The Hill {Fabian Prewett}

660 39 2

Phoebe Reid loved that hill. Ever since she had moved into the house, she sat on that hill-from the age of 5 to the age of 23.It's where she met the love of her life-and where she buried him.This tale does not end happily, however, every story must be told.…

travelers [on hold]

travelers [on hold]

68 2 2

I can at least say that the day had gone incredibly bad-what a terrible birthday. I sighed, pulling the party hat off my head. My parents were to busy with work to even realize that it was my birthday.A knock came upon the door. I sat up quickly, rushing to the door. "What?" I said harshly-until I looked up and saw Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Draco Malfoy fighting on my doorstep.…

vegas lights ⇔ r.w [on hold]

vegas lights ⇔ r.w [on hold]

282 22 4

"ain't is so, ain't it so perfect, our cynical minds will make it totally worth it"{ron weasley}{gof->hbp}…

An Artist's Secret

An Artist's Secret

52 5 1

Every artist has a secret about their work-but Maia's is special.…

Unconditionally *Snamione* ~discontinued

Unconditionally *Snamione* ~discontinued

70,520 1,894 26

-I GET IT, YOU THINK ITS WEIRD: I WROTE THIS AT LIKE, 10, DONT JUDGE MY OTHER BOOKS ON THIS ONE; DONT READ THIS-Hermione was heartbroken while being avoided by Ron. She moves away, with a new identity as Ella Newick. She switches back to Hermione 3 months later, because of her new roommate, the one and only Severus Snape.Hermione is losing options, as no one seems to fit her puzzle pieces. She's envious of Ginny, who's pregnant and married.All changes when she gets an offer from Severus she can't help but accept.*Old SummaryHermione's back to finish her year with Ron. She's heartbroken but doesn't show it. She she starts receiving love letters she feels happy again. But where will the love lead then?*CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN!!!*…