You Know You're a Pokefan When... {Pokemon}

You Know You're a Pokefan When... {Pokemon}

200,977 19,027 151

This book is a list of ways to tell if you're a hardcore Pokefan or not. Key word: hardcore. Not all of these will apply to you, but most of them apply to me, so enjoy anyways!(Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon or the image used in the cover)…

Pokemon Logic

Pokemon Logic

668,258 36,584 160

Pokémon logic at its finest.Warning: Do not drink any liquids while reading this, as you may laugh so hard that you choke XDWarning: do not read this at night, as you may laugh so loud that you wake up your family XD…

I am Gligar (Pokemon One-shot)

I am Gligar (Pokemon One-shot)

235 18 1

This is a story about a Gligar. A Gligar who has a destiny laid out by Arceus himself.Can she achieve it?(Disclaimer/claimer: jessgrono doesn't own Pokémon, but she does own the plotline of this amazing one-shot. So, don't steal it or I, Mega Dave (known to some by Mega Sceptile), will find you. Goodbye!)…

The Story of Team Hope (Pokemon Story)

The Story of Team Hope (Pokemon Story)

24,723 1,500 26

*Will be editing someday soon*14-year-old Skylar lives in a world full of Pokemon, where you can only catch one type. Skylar trains the dark type, but she has broken the rules.Mark, Skylar's brother, is the leader of Team Hope, and she is second in command. They are trying to turn the world around, to let them have their own Pokemon, not just the ones of their type.Skylar has a Taillow, not a dark type at all. She must go on a mission to retrieve files and destroy a machine the government plans on using to take over Pokemon, located in Snowpoint City. The fate of all Pokemon rests on Skylar, and her pokemon, Absol, Weavile, Houndour, and Taillow.But, of course, she runs into people that she can't just get rid of, the water trainer, Barry, the fighting trainer, Lucas, and the flying trainer, Dawn. How does she cope with having to stay undercover with a bunch of trainers she just met? And how can she keep quiet about the fact she can talk to Pokemon? Well, you have to read it to find out.I do not own pokemon, but I do own my characters. They are from my imagination. Enjoy! Also, please note that I wrote this story over a year ago, meaning that it is nowhere close to my writing skills of now. This is an example of my writing skills a year ago, not now.…