Tears and Heaven

Tears and Heaven

3,475 176 16

Clara lives her whole life knowing she will never fall in love and get married. No man wants a blue stocking. She refuses to act dumb to get a man. When she is sent to Surrey to use her deduction skill in the Killing of three little girls the last things she thought was going to happen was she would find love. Landon Howard the Duke of Surrey doesn't have time for love he has spent the last few years reconnecting with his tenants making up for his father's mistakes. So when the tiny little creature the Home office sends him to solve the murders of the children he can't help falling in love. Join Clara and Landon along with Simon and Victor in the hunt for a child killer and the answer to Clara's past.…

Under The November Moon

Under The November Moon

164 2 16

What would it be to grow up under the watchful eye of the King? For Preston and Landon, it is great they use their time away from the palace to sow their wild oats, but after their two years away it's time to come home and settle down. Lucy the good girl is about to turn seventeen and find her mate. But before she does will her duties keep her from experiencing life before she finds her soulmate? While the king is away Lucy takes advantage of his absences to do things and act in ways she never would while the king was at the palace. When her brother Landon and the Crown Prince come home early and catch her being a normal teenager. Let the rebellion begin between Lucy and Preston as they struggle to figure out what they mean to each other.…

The Bloodline of the Red Wolf

The Bloodline of the Red Wolf

552 42 24

As far as Julie knew she was a human living the life of a regular 15-year-old girl. That was until a letter appeared from her father who has been dead since before she was born telling her mom to take her to his home on the Royal pack lands before her sixteenth birthday which is a little over a month away. Life changes drastically for Julie she goes from being a regular human to oh by the way you are a werewolf and a royal princess on top of that. No pressure except they believe Julie is the rare red wolf of legend. Now she has to learn to be something she doesn't understand, and adjust to life in a school for werewolves who are not happy there is a new Royal at the school. Dillon is the Crown Prince of the werewolf kingdom, and he is very set on playing the field. Its not like he has a mate to worry about. That is until he finds out the new girl is his mate and he can't even tell her because she is not old enough to recognize the bond. So while she is flirting with his best friend and Beta he has no say in her affairs. That is until her powers of her powerful bloodline surface and they are both in danger of being wiped out.…

A Token of Love

A Token of Love

378 47 15

Daniel has not seen Maddie in ten years. The last time he saw her he pushed her into a mud puddle and then stormed off. What could he say? The girl reduced him to a child. Upon arriving home, he finds his mother getting ready for a ball and Maddie in tow. He overhears that they only have a fortnight before she has to get married he imagines the worse. What he didn't imagen was her low life cousin who inherited her fathers title has put a token out for someone to clam the wealthy socialite. If he can't have her only someone who would bring her shame can. He thinks he has the power over her but in his last will and testament Matthew gives Daniel the guardianship over Madison. Join this couple on a rough road to love through mud puddles, abductions, running from every man who wants to marry well in England. Worst of all a meddling Mama who thinks she can manipulate the children into falling in love.…

Oracle of London

Oracle of London

349 38 20

Jesslynn Anderson has a special gift she can read minds. When she is assigned to capture Spring-Heeled Jack, she is also assigned an escort The Duke of Bristol Kevin Foxworth. In their pursuit for Jack, they find they are attracted to one another but first, he has to get over his feelings for her cousin Cordy who is happily married. This would not have been an issue but when they were flirting and the images playing in his mind were not of her but her cousin things become rocky between the couple. When they finally admit they belong together a man from Jesslynns past comes back and tries to come between the couple including the threat of death. Balancing work and one's personal life is not always easy but for Jesslynn and Kevin is it more than their relationship can handle? Join the couple as they search for a killer and work towards a happily ever after.…

Queens Gambit

Queens Gambit

678 77 20

Queen Charlotte is on her deathbed and wants to right a wrong for her young friend Sheena. She makes her son Prince George promise that Sheena's husband will do his duty by her, or there would be hell to pay. The Prince gives Adam the Duke of Marlborough till the end of the Holiday to make his wife happy. Adam did not know his wife they were officially married when she was four days only and he was five. When she came to live with his family five years ago he left to avoid her now they wanted him to take up the mantle of husband within a fortnight? Sheena had spent five years working for the crown overseas avoiding her husband. Her mission in France was over and it was time to come home to England, and start a new life. She had decided she would divorce Adam they did not know each other and he was a notorious rake he had more mistresses than he had money. Then the queen is dying and her last wish for Sheena was to be happy with Adam. Was this even possible for two strangers who had been married for 20 years to learn to love one another?…

The Heart of the Rose

The Heart of the Rose

722 33 21

Rose has been taken in by the Dowager Duchess of Chester who has a set of twin sons who work for the crown. Rose works secretly for the crown and soon places herself in danger for the information she gathered for the Crown. Ethan the Duke of Chester must keep Rose alive despite her best efforts to thwart him at every turn. After numous attempts on her life they finally narrow down who is trying to kill her when another problem arises and Rose is abducted by someone else entirely and another race is on to save her life, and in the process Rose and Ethan happen to fall in love.…

Wyldest Dreams

Wyldest Dreams

1,529 86 16

Katie would do anything to save her grandfather who has gone missing even working with Jacob Wyld the Duke of Norwich the man five years earlier she confessed her love to and laughed at her declaration. Jacob Wyld left his childhood home to get away from the Fiery Red head who loves him which he feels he doesn't deserve the things he does for the crown makes him unworthy of her love. He would do anything to find Michael the man who raised him even pretending that he and Katie are engaged and planning a wedding. Join Katie and Jacob on a journey of fighting foreign spies, London's underworld all the while trying to keep Katie safe from whoever is trying to kill her.…

Dead Hand of the Past

Dead Hand of the Past

82 1 66

The Maidens and the Warriors are on their second set of Temples and in the first one they must face their far-off past to see what made them who they are in the present. One Maiden must learn to live with the knowledge of her past which will not be easy for her. Another maiden falls in Love with one of the enemies and needs to learn how to balance her love and him being a demon. The Warriors do not escape their past either they must face the truth of their pasts as well. Will they be able to face the challenge and ahead of them while dealing with the pains from their past all while struggling with Saving the world of Lantea.…

Labyrinth of Life

Labyrinth of Life

60 0 53

The journey continues for the Maidens and their Warriors but things are not as good as they could be. The next temple is the Temple of Distension where no one can get along. The one after that they must travel through the Ame-Hayashi where they have to confront the Dosekioni the Sekitei Canyon Rockman, the Serpent of the Ame-Hayashi all this before they face the challenges of the Temple of the Griffin.…

The Maidens of Kirin The Gathering of the Maidens

The Maidens of Kirin The Gathering of the Maidens

56 0 52

Lanta is in crisis the God Leander is taking over the world. The Voice of the Purest heart on Lantea has called to the goddess Souzousha asking for the help of the Maidens of Kirin. The goddess grants his wish and asks Kirin to call her maidens from another world to help the people of Lantea. Join the Maidens Jaden, Azure, Parla, Lilla, Saphira, and Kodora to adjust to life in a new world and the daily struggle of staying alive from the threat of Leander's forces. In their efforts to save Lantea they are helped by a group of Lantean men who want to save their people but none of them but one is capable of actually fighting. Azakia who is the chosen one's only strength is Prayer, Kazuki his second has no skills other than being a clown. Koria has been trained in battle techniques but has never before had to uses them in a battle. It is Ichiro the crown prince of Lantea who brings this group of misfits together to save his world.…

Dolls & Waltzes

Dolls & Waltzes

742 74 18

Two Babies have gone missing dolls left in their place. The home office decides to bring in one of the brightest minds the crown has working for them. A Seventeen-year-old debutant who happens to be the sister-in-law to the Prime Minister. To make sure she stays out of trouble they assign Jackson Yardley the Duke of Heresfordshire to protect her from danger, no one thought of protecting her heart. On their journey to find the twins Paysley not only flirts with danger but the Duke and one thing leads to another and not only does the case get solved but not without a few assassination attempts, grave digging and a few other mishaps on the way to falling in love.…

A Perfect Match

A Perfect Match

1,267 64 18

Nora Rutherford lives for the excitement of her job. She is an agent for the Crown and is on assignment in Cornwall when she is hurt. Percival Dayton the Duke of Cornwall and a fellow agent is sent back to his estate to protect Nora which is not an easy task for the Duke. Nora has it in her mind she doesn't need anyone and to the Dukes annoyance she goes off by herself all to often to gather leads to Save the Bank of England, and the Economy of the ton. All the while she is trying not to fall in love with the Handsome and very much attached Duke who is in love with the Widow Duchess of York the woman who is Nora's mentor.…

Key to My Heart

Key to My Heart

1,107 110 25

Johanna finds a book of pomes that in the center is a letter and a Key and nothing else about it. It leads her to the young and handsome Duke of Richmond and his Aunt who has not talked since she was five years old. Johanna barges into the Duke's home informing him she is going to solve all his family's mysteries. This story takes Jenson an agent for the crown and Johanna the self-appointed detective on a journey back over thirty years when girls went missing and a young girl drowned. Join them on their adventure and a surprise where the key that came with the book of poems leads them to a mystery over a hundred years old. So meet some new characters and meet up with some of your favorite Agents of the Crown.…



4,238 205 19

Nathan is claimed to be the most beautiful man on English soil any girl would be glad to be in his presences but not Valerie Valentine a bookish young girl who could bring most men to their knees with a smile and the batting of her eyes thinks him boring and a stick in the mud. She even had the nerve to tell him so to his face. Nathan is determined to show her he is not boring at all. So, when they meet out in the country for the annual Valentines ball and the minx's asks him to go on a privet picnic and ice skating how could he say no? During their time they are skating they weather turns bad and they seek shelter at her families hunting lodge where they get snowed in. Despite Nathan's best efforts he cannot resist the dark-haired silver eyed beauty who he wants to show he is anything but boring. He has three days to show her before the snow stops and they can get back to her family estate. Will he win her heart, or will they have a stalemate? Or will they have an endgame that gives them their happily ever after?…

Love me for a reason

Love me for a reason

1,251 63 9

Men can be so dense at times and Vincent the Duke of New Cross was no exception. He had let Lina the woman he loved sail right out of his life. He had spent the last six months being miserable so when his sister Tory shows up at his house with a letter from Lina saying her brothers were marring her off to an Italian Count, he went to go rescue his wayward princess. When he gets to Italy to claim his Princess, he finds that she has run away yet again, and he return to England Alone. As if life wasn't bad enough his sister has planned a party in his absences that she is calling it a week of "LOVE". it is a mystery week where the guest will play the part of someone else and unveil their true identity at the families Valentines Ball. Vincent is enchanted with Cinderella and sets out to woo the beautiful Princess playing along with the charade his sister and the Princess concocted and see if he could get his happily ever after.…

Welcome To Paradise

Welcome To Paradise

7,575 390 19

When she agreed to chaperone Lizzy for her first season Eden never thought to see The Duke of Buckingham Nicholas Sheffield the man who has held her heart since they were thirteen years old. While Nikki and Eden are getting reacquainted things start to spiral out of control. Someone has tried to hurt Eden by lacing her clothing with lye. On a short business trip with Nikki to Paradise farm's where she raises horses the couple ends up married and spend the rest of the season trying to keep it a secret from everyone. Now that they are married each day they must learn to balance long torturous nights of men flirting and courting Eden at all the social events she attends to help get Lizzy married off. Then there are the tumultuous nights they share together in private passionately crossing off all the different places and ways on Eden's list. Join Eden and Nikki on their comical journey of trying to keep a secret neither of them wants to keep but instead of talking they are being slaves to their passion or they are to busy at social events to find out what the other really wants.…

By Royal Decree

By Royal Decree

5,070 236 20

Lady Daphne Halverson, has been invited to celebrate King George IV trip to Scotland. All she has to do is postpone her first season. Daphne who is in no rush to get married decides to take the kings offer and spend two months in Scotland with every intention of having as much fun as she can. What Daphne did not count on was meeting James Campbell the Duke of Argyll the grandson to the king and falling in love. Love comes with a price someone is trying to kill her to get her out of the way so they can capture the young Dukes heart but it is to late he has fallen for the fiery redhead. Which of the girls is a murder and which ones were sent to kill the king? Join Daphne and Jamie on an adventure of the heart along with a little treason, and murder on the side.…

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret

3,329 174 16

Secrets, Stalkers, death threats, blackmail, and more is how Lady Victoria Valentine started her first season and it only got worse from there. To top it all off she falls in love with one of the worst rakes in London what is an 18 year old debutante to do? Outwit her stalker and save the people she loves, find the man she has been searching for, for over three years and be rid of the burden of her secret. All while carrying on as this years incomparable.…

The Spirit of Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas

401 38 20

Recipe for disasterStep one Have a meddling motherStep two mother must find a witch who can cast a spell to give her what she wants.Step three Young American girl on assignment in England finds a Doll from 1843 that looks like her while purchasing a Costume in an antique shop Step four Young American girl's dog gets away from her in 2018 and she finds him in 1842 in the arm of the man of her dreams. Join Holly Barris on an adventure that spans a couple of lifetimes where she meets the man of her dreams quite literally Anthony Barclay the Earl of Penbrook, but he is dating Martha and has never gotten over his first love Celeste who shows up unexpectedly add a bit of Christmas Spirit stir cook for up to twelve days to see what the Christmas Spirit can conjure up will it be a Bah humbug holiday or will it be a filled with holiday cheer.…