Stars: As Told by the Moon

Stars: As Told by the Moon

6 0 1

The history of Earth, the Gods and the universe. Narrated by Asteri, God of the Moon, adapted from stories told by the stars themselves. Don't you want to know what the stars are like up close?…

In Your Veins

In Your Veins

11 0 10

A completely non-descript and unexciting tutoring session starts to blossom into an unexpected romance.…

Newcomer's Guide to Aerith

Newcomer's Guide to Aerith

6 2 2

Aerith is the world in which several of my stories take place. The lore of the place is pretty convoluted, and there might be terms mentioned that you just can't understand. Luckily for you, I've decided to take pity on you and publish this guide to help you understand a little bit better! (It's also to help me keep all the plot points straight...but we won't talk about that.)If you have any questions that I haven't answered here, feel free to leave a comment and ask. I'm always happy to explain!Here's a running list of stories that this guide applies to (some haven't been published as of yet):- What He Does to Me- The Right Choice- A Place to Call Home…

Kuurei Unsolved

Kuurei Unsolved

115 1 5

A strange guy in even stranger circumstances. Come read about a self-proclaimed spirit medium who helps ghosts get closure and return to their afterlife with the power of friendship (and sometimes powerful banishing spells)!…

What He Does to Me (V.2)

What He Does to Me (V.2)

53 6 7

[I reread the first story and realized I didn't like it at all. So, I remade the characters and am now rewriting the story! Enjoy :)]What happens when a prince trapped inside the four walls of his room gets a small taste of freedom?Miracles, of course.And love. That too.…

Harmonizing in C Major

Harmonizing in C Major

21 0 4

THIS IS FOR YOU MY ONE SPECIFIC FRIEND WHO ADORES FLOWER SHOP OWNER x TATTOO SHOP OWNER FICSIf you're not that one specific friend (or any other of my close friends), read at your own peril. No grammar or plot here, only vibes.…

Agent 403: A collection of stories

Agent 403: A collection of stories

3 0 1

This reboot of an old series I used to write is for the friend that had to suffer through my horrible, terrible writing. If my writing is bad now, it was absolute garbage then. Unfortunately, they didn't bully me for it like they should have, so I need to make up for it now.If you're reading this but you're not that friend, why. It's not good. The book cover might look good but that's only because I'm a better graphic designer than I am a writer. There's no worldbuilding at all in this. I swear to you that you're not missing anything.…

What he does to me **READ DESCRIPTION**

What he does to me **READ DESCRIPTION**

5 0 11

[THIS IS THE OLD VERISION!][THIS VERSION OF EVENTS IS NO LONGER CANON!] [I AM WRITING A NEW VERSION AS I TYPE THIS!] [BECAUSE THIS IS NO LONGER CANON, I AM UNAFRAID TO ADMIT THAT THE PLOT IS NO SHORT OF HORRENDOUS! THE PACING IS SHODDY AND POORLY DONE! I WILL TRY TO RECTIFY THESE ERRORS IN THE NEW ONE, BUT AM STILL PUBLISHING THIS ONE FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE PURPOSES! BE PATIENT WITH ME PLEASE!]It only takes a second to fall in love.AUTHOR'S NOTE:There aren't any world descriptions in this story because I wrote this for a couple of friends who were already familiar with the world. This is literally fanfic for my own universe since no one else was gonna write it.…