Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth

2 0 1

It's Halloween, again. Already. Brandon's starting to think it happens every year or something.Sequel to Sweet Nothings.…

Rust and Frost

Rust and Frost

519 22 10

A chronicle spanning the teenaged years of four boys.Unexpected cracks in the ice are less terrifying than they appear, and security is not as tangible. The faded edges of memory and time soften the lines between what is good and what aches.[~45k words].…

A lot of things.

A lot of things.

270 0 5

Brandon is a lot of things. Each of those boxes, labels, and roles he falls into become stepping stones along the path to a new relationship, one way or another.[~5,000 words].…

Sweet Nothings

Sweet Nothings

53 2 1

Ronnie can't get through pumpkin carving without distress and sarcasm. As is the case with most things.[~600 words].…

Night Swimming

Night Swimming

38 0 1

'Things hide in the dark.'Brandon and Ronnie go night swimming.[100 words].…



46 0 1

'This is weird,' Ronnie says.[100 words].…