Warrior Cats      Riversong's Sacrifice

Warrior Cats Riversong's Sacrifice

225 73 20

A stary blue she-cat stood in a circle with another three toms."She is the one who will save my clan"The she-cat indicated to a young she-cat whith glossy white fur and deap amber eyes."Are you sure, Hailstar?" A light ginger tom asked," But she's so young"Hailstar glared deep into the toms eyes,"Do you object against my choice, Grassstar?" She snarled. Another tom lay his tail on her back,"We have no objections" He assured her. "Then the meeting is closed" Hailstar turned and stalked away into starclan hunting grounds.…

Hailstorms Fury

Hailstorms Fury

18 0 2

The river fell silent. Its song could no longer be heard. It was only too obvious that it was also mourning Riversongs death. Riversong rose, her spirit detaching from her dead body. "Riversong! Welcome to Starclan" Applebloom appeared infront of her."My kits, Shadowheart" Riversong dipped her head to the watching pool in which her mate and kits were shown."They will survive, but that one will need guidence for Starclan have forseen part of her future" Applebloom suddenly hissed." Beware Hailstorms Fury" Riversong and Applebloom said simultaneously.…

Songleafs Destiny

Songleafs Destiny

11 8 2

"Jaggedstar! What kind of mouse brained idea made us meet here!" A small starry silver tabby she cat yowled over the roaring of the wind. A faded brown tom answered her within no more than a flick of his nearly transperant tail."Come on Silverfern! Lets just get this meeting over and done with" A red black striped tom yowled back at Silverfern.She snorted and another grey tom paced impatiently next to Jaggedstar."Well who have you decided on" He snapped impatiently, barely heard over the wind."Songkit and Dawnpaw from Thunderclan" Silverfern replied and a growl of anger greeted her words."Do you think that's wise? Remember what happened to me" The small younger tom had stopped pacing and was glaring at Silverfern."I remember Runningpaw, you died yes , but you saved your clan" The red black striped tom known as Tigerstripe replied this time."Fine then, but I will guide them through the early stages of their life" Runningpaw gave in."I will not let them join starclan like me" He hissed and stalked off.…