heartbeat // a newtmas au

heartbeat // a newtmas au

21,639 1,209 21

an au in which everything changes time after time…

love seat // a newtmas oneshot

love seat // a newtmas oneshot

1,842 101 2

a story in which thomas' heart aches…

summer friends ; newtmas

summer friends ; newtmas

94,956 5,860 17

"summer friends don't stay."…

sunlight // a newtmas one shot

sunlight // a newtmas one shot

1,615 120 2

an au in which time stands still…

from afar// a newtmas one shot
breathless // a newtmas one shot

breathless // a newtmas one shot

1,916 146 2

an au in which eight year old thomas moves into an oddly constructed house…

promise // a newtmas one shot

promise // a newtmas one shot

2,242 150 2

an au in which thomas is hit with reality…

friends // a newtmas one shot

friends // a newtmas one shot

2,922 185 2

a modern au in which thomas has an epiphany…

Photograph // a newtmas one shot

Photograph // a newtmas one shot

3,047 195 2

a glade AU in which newt remembers his life before the maze…