The Dragon King Chronicles: Book I - The Sword, The Huntress, and the Dragon

The Dragon King Chronicles: Book I - The Sword, The Huntress, and the Dragon

132 2 4

Warning: this story makes fun of the hero's journey trope entirely, you were warned.The Dragon King has taken over almost the entire world, as it devolves back into the dark ages. A prophecy foretells an unbreakable weapon will be able to destroy the beast.Thomas is just a young and simple commoner, who only wants to explore what remains of this world, but fate calls him to a different path as he finds a mysterious sword that fell from the sky. Now the Dragon King's forces are after his ass, now Thomas is on the run from the dragon king's men, lead by the fearless Callavon, a young wizard who fell to the dark side. Tom must team up with his best friends, Connor, a creative and intelligent blacksmith, and Dante, a chaotic but likable assassin, and the mysterious huntress Makendra, who has no memory of her parents, he must embrace his destiny as the Chosen One, wether he wants to or not.…

Mark Obsidian: the Son of Voldemort

Mark Obsidian: the Son of Voldemort

2,693 85 9

Mark Obsidian is the new student at Hogwarts, and is practically hiding from the wizarding world and no one knows why...oh yeah it's because he's the son of He Who Must Not Be Named.Mark's destiny as the future Heir of Slytherin shall determine the fate of the wizarding world, will he help save it, or will he destroy it?…

Ronin (A Marvel Fan pitch)

Ronin (A Marvel Fan pitch)

874 24 4

Charlie tries to live a normal life, aside from the fact he used to be a warrior whose slain terrible people alongside a former avenger. When the fang clan plans to unleash a sinister force that was banished for eternity, Charlie must become the Ronin once more, with help from a certain "worlds greatest archer".This is a fan pitch for a Disney plus series/movie for the MCU. Hope everyone likes it.…

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book III: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book III: The Rise of Skywalker

22,340 220 13

The Final Chapter of the Son of Skywalker Trilogy. The war rages on between the Resistance and the First Order, led by the powerful Kylo Ren, but a familiar evil has returned from the dead. Jacen Skywalker begins the search to put an end to the Sith, restore the balance, and hopefully bring an end to the galactic conflict once and for all. Let the final battle begin...The story of Jacen Skywalker comes to an end, the Skywalker saga will never be the same. There will be some changes to the story, and it will try to respect the prophecy of the Chosen One as much as possible. Perspectives are about the same as last time. All rights are reserved.…

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II.V: The War Chronicles

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II.V: The War Chronicles

17,154 310 21

The Son of Skywalker story continues as Jacen and his allies battle against Kylo Ren and the First Order, however many challenges stand in the way, if they can survive...The following takes place after The Last Jedi, and before the events of The Rise of Skywalker. This will be heavily inspired by the 2003 clone wars series, if anybody remembers that. It is an SOS story, and I want it to be entertaining as possible, also, it's gonna be hard to bridge the saga to a part of the story that hasn't been released yet.I do not own the rights of Star Wars, all rights are reserved by Disney and Lucasfilm.…

(ON HOLD) Knights of the Lost Realm | Book I: The Sword of Light

(ON HOLD) Knights of the Lost Realm | Book I: The Sword of Light

443 10 9

Somewhere, lies a world covered in darkness, a powerful weapon is destroyed, a battle between good and evil rages on, and a young girl is drawn in the middle of it. But is she the one they've been waiting for? -Nearly all her life, sixteen year old Allison Brooke tried to make herself normal, but most of the time her unusual powers somehow get in the way. But everything changed when two figures with red swords come and try to kill her. That's when she meets Derek.Derek Knightwood wants to prove himself as a Lost Knight, but then he rescues a girl from the Dark Descendants and takes her to the Lost Realm, but is she the Chosen One, and can he protect her before the Dark Lord rises again?Find out in an epic story involving epic sword fights, deadly villains, and an epic destiny that lies ahead...…

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II: The Last Jedi

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book II: The Last Jedi

75,245 1,177 49

Jacen Skywalker's story continues, as he learns the ways of the Force, and takes the Grey Path. While his Father, Luke Skywalker, trains Rey, who had only begun to discover her power, Jacen must uncover the mysterious disappearance of his Mother, and struggles against the conflict of saving his Cousin, Kylo Ren.This is basically The Last Jedi, but it's the sequel to Son of Skywalker Book I. I do not own Star Wars, this is just a fan fiction and is made just for fun.…

Star Wars- Episode II: Attack of the Clones- Rewritten Edition

Star Wars- Episode II: Attack of the Clones- Rewritten Edition

20,820 209 37

This is a somewhat alternative version of everyone's least favorite Star Wars movie. The first chapter will remain the same, but by the second chapter that's where things change. Some nods and elements of the original will be in this too. I will also try my best to keep it between The Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith, however it won't tie into the TV shows like "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", and "Star Wars: Rebels". This version will hopefully be better than the original version.…

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book I: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: Son of Skywalker | Book I: The Force Awakens

72,550 1,208 33

This is basically "Star Wars: The Force Awakens", but in an alternate universe about Luke's non-force sensitive son Jacen Skywalker, and how he is dealing with his cousin's turn to the Dark Side, and how he must watch over Rey, a scavenger who doesn't know she's a force user at this point. Now he must help the Resistance, led by his Aunt Leia, search for his father in order to defeat the First Order, and bring peace to the galaxy once and for all...And yes I'm imagining Andrew Garfield as Jacen because he looked like a Skywalker, and I thought he would fit in with the new trilogy. Some of you might cast Luke's son with Sebastian Stan or someone else that looks like Mark Hamill himself, but Garfield is my pick.It all takes place between both the perspectives of Jacen and Kylo Ren/Ben so they could have a developed relationship as cousins, along with some flashbacks. Rey's POV will also be a part of the story.Book 1 will be based over Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The next 2 chapters of this AU trilogy will also be based on the new trilogy, but mixed with some original elements to the story. Also my writing is a little rusty because it's my first time writing. Some rusty parts maybe fixed sometime later.…