Urban Legends And Ghostlores Of India

Urban Legends And Ghostlores Of India

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India has its fair share of stories that may not have a logical explanation but continue to arouse our curiosity to this day. These are similar to the existence of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland and the bigfoot, both of which people have not been able to explain. A few claim to have experienced them, while others think of different theories to justify their existence. Here are some legends that have some Indians convinced that the supernatural works in the most mysterious of ways.…

The Wine Bottle

The Wine Bottle

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40 32 16

This is a collection of all the poems I wrote and will continue to write. 》 subtle_whisperings 《This is my instagram handle and I post my poems there too. So, if you like my poems, do follow me on Instagram. I am not much of a poetry reader but I love writing them. It feels great to put all my emotions, thoughts and ideas on paper (technically it is paper, beacuse I wite them in an notebook first and then copy them to my phone). So feel free to critize my poems (a bit politely if I may suggest) and help me improve my writing skills too. XOXO-A…