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zero /zirō/ Noun 1. A worthless or contemptibility undistinguished person2. the lowest possible amount or level; nothing at all Verb1. to kill2. set the sights (of a gun) for firing\\\ This story contains harsh language, violence, apocalyptic shenanigans and a little bit of gore. Reader discretion is advised. \\\…

The King's Horses

The King's Horses

286 7 3

There are stories of the Seven Sins, of the Holy Knights and their corrpution, and of the Holy War.But there are parts missing, fregments hidden from the average eye, unwilling to be seen - until now. Now is the time to tell the story of the Four Riders: Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death. /// Disclaimer: I do NOT own The Seven Deadly Sins, only the characters that I have created and their stories. I also suck at descriptions. :) Enjoy! \\\…

My Love

My Love

30 3 4

In which an abnormal girl from Venus (who is neither abnormal, nor from Venus) discovers that her life has been a total lie, and the planet she's been living on isn't as peaceful as it seems.~ ~ ~"Do you prefer those with male bodies, or those with female?"I think for a moment, before deciding on an answer, "Preferably male, but if my love is female, I wouldn't be repulsed. Love is love." I resist the urge to shrug, and instead sit straighter in my seat.…

Words for Nothing

Words for Nothing

27 0 4

This is simply a collection of poetry that I've written over the years - and some more recent works. The content of the poems varies greatly. Some are depressing, others thought provoking and others have a romantic tone.(Don't mind the cover picture - it's just something random that I drew and edited.)…