Coincidental Heartbreak

Coincidental Heartbreak

680,782 13,604 5

It’s practically a proven fact that most teenagers go through their first heartbreak in high school. Marco and Peyton have one thing in common; they’re both being cheated on by somebody they care about. The only difference is that Peyton has known about her boyfriend’s extra-curricular dating life for quite some time, whereas Marco is just now finding out about his unfaithful girlfriend. As the two spend more time together and take on different adventures, they help each other overcome their reasoning for staying with people who don’t deserve them. Once Marco and Peyton ditch their not-so-significant others, they start to fall for each other even though they’re on opposite sides of the high school spectrum. Marco’s nice and shy and Peyton’s hilariously witty and cynical, but as they come together they balance each other out quite perfectly through their coincidental heartbreak.…

The Jock Trap

The Jock Trap

589,594 11,270 4

Meredith and Finn were once friends. Things were fine until middle school, when over the space of a summer Finn got “hot” and all the popularity that came with it, leaving Meredith to slowly drift away. Now, in their senior year of high school, their history as childhood friends couldn’t feel any more distant.While Meredith wants to get through high school asquickly as possible so she can move onto college, Finn is breezing through the social side. With his spot on the swim team, buckets of natural charisma and a well-earned position in the popular crowd, he’s been set for the entire four years.Meredith is convinced she has his crowd figured out; she knows they’re all stuck-up airheads and is happy to avoid them all. Especially Finn.When an incident in biology class leads to Finn getting them both into detention, Meredith sees it as just another reason to hate him. However, as the pair spend more time together, she comes to realize that maybe her preconceived beliefs about his crowd aren’t as accurate as first thought. There is a lot more to Finn than meets the eye.Ever since his dad walked out on his mom five years ago, his mom has worked unsociable hours in a dead-end job as a waitress just to support the family. Finn has spent his entire high school life trying to scrape decent grades and earn a swim scholarship to college, while balancing helping his mom out with his younger siblings. He doesn’t have it as easy as Meredith assumed.As the pair get closer again, Finn is able to wear down Meredith’s cynicism and possibly weave his way into her heart as well.…

One Dozen Reasons Why

One Dozen Reasons Why

98,549 2,135 1

Claire Thomas hates Valentine’s Day, and it’s not because she’s never had a boyfriend. Every year, the Slinger High student council runs a carnation sale to raise money for the spring dance. Students can order the flowers—red for love, pink for friendship, and white for secret admiration—and have them delivered to other students during 8th period on February 14th. The sale is a great fundraiser, but it’s also one huge popularity contest; whoever receives the most white carnations is deemed the hottest girl in school.Claire knows better than to hope for a flower. The only girls who get them are the gorgeous ones, like queen bee Nora and her best friend Phoebe.Even though Claire openly criticizes the carnation sale to her best friend and longtime crush Max, she is secretly hoping that he will send her one anyways. She wants to admit how she really feels, but Max would never go for a girl like her—a goody two-shoes who never misses a homework assignment and tutors struggling math students on the weekend. It’s better off that she keep her mouth shut and preserve their friendship.When Valentine’s Day arrives, Claire is shocked to find that someone has sent her not one, but a dozen white carnations. It’s not enough to win the contest—Nora received thirty-five—but Claire is still giddy. Then Max asks her to be his date to a party on Saturday, so it has to be him who sent her the flowers.But everything isn’t as it seems, and Claire starts to realize that she can either be left heartbroken or find the confidence to go after what she truly wants.…

Humor Me

Humor Me

107,849 2,437 4

For the first time, the heroine might not even need a guy to seal her happy ending.When Melonie tells her boyfriend: ‘John, I think I’m asexual’, she turns single, friendless and terribly heartbroken within a day. She could probably be considered as an aquatic creature from all the tears she’s been swimming in. Her label as ‘John’s Girlfriend’ now stripped off, she becomes a ‘nobody’ and is on the verge of changing herself for her ex. Until she meets the school’s alpha, Jupiter Rogan, a superior, pretentious nerd with a ‘too-cool-for-romance’ attitude, and begs to become like her, wanting to be admired by everyone instead of being looked down upon. But once befriending the tight pack of elite nerds, although Jupiter proves to her you don’t need a boy to be happy and illustrates self-appreciation; how the empowerment of femininity, friendship and happiness can exist without young love—things don’t go as planned.  Can Melonie accept herself for who she is or will she get carried away in the transformation?…

The DUFF Writing Contest

The DUFF Writing Contest

105,627 1,236 2

High school can sometimes be, well….awkward.Cliques, stereotypes, popularity contests and teenage drama all mix to create a once in a lifetime experience.THE DUFF is a movie about shedding those stereotypes and finding the confidence to be yourself, and we want you to share YOUR STORY about being TRUE TO YOURSELF and OWNING who you are! So what are you waiting for? Start writing YOUR STORY and tag it #TheDUFFContest to enter. All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm EST on February 15.…