Guns N' Roses

Guns N' Roses

61 3 2

The Nostri Affari and Dorado Salva are two of the most notorious Mafias in today's society. The two function on opposite ends of what is modern-day New York City. Though they both know they are there, they are completely underground and uninvolved with one another.That all changes when an old force is pushed into the public eye, the Cinnte Éisteacht's. No, they are not new, but the unease they leave behind has caused Mayor McLean to get involved. Now, the Chief of Police, Hatchet, is on a mission to bring down all drug trafficking and extortion.Can the two clans work together if it means eliminating the latter? Are both families willing to trade their strongest sons to keep a mutual alliance? And what should happen when romance sparks between Italians and Latinos?…

Duncney Week 2023

Duncney Week 2023

932 17 7

(Don't mind me uploading this a year later)A collection of my Duncney Week 2023 works.Duncney Week 2023 was held from September 10th-September 16th, the 16th being the actual date Duncney got together in 2007.Day 1: Admitting Feelings Day 2: Behind the Scenes Day 3: Dress UpDay 4: First "I Love You."Day 5: Movie Scene Day 6: Protective Day 7: Situations *All of these can be found on my AO3,, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter.*…

A Debutante in Training

A Debutante in Training

52 5 1

This season's ton has never seen such a swell abundance of nobility. In a society that strives for ranking and sophistication, it is safe to say this season will bring out the utmost pristine candidates.With five of the most affluent families in society in the mix, there is bound to be a celebration and dare I say heartbreak. For the season's ton is never shy in delivering what it entails, but what is to happen when one's heart is elsewhere, or when desires cripple to the surface?…

Duncney One Shots/Drabbles

Duncney One Shots/Drabbles

8,121 111 19

Here are some Duncney one shots/drabbles! If there are any you would love to read more of let me know! I will definitely try to continue them! 💜…



392 11 3

Fast forward 5 years after All Stars; Duncan is in prison while Courtney is living her life to the best she can. One day, Courtney starts receiving mail from the local prison. Will she read them? What will she do when she realizes her past flame is getting out of said prison?Duncney redemption fic!…