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Hidden behind thee mighty bones- Three great cities made of stone-No dared to enter, lest they die-Home to those who wore the crest-Sheikahs born and Sheikahs rest.That was a legend about my community. We have hidden since the dawn of creation, deeming it safer than interacting with the rest of Hyrule. Many get the impression that few live in the Hebras, due to the fact we don't often leave our domain. Apparently, the princess' knight, Apollo, was born here, despite not being related to any of us. I, Tem Ray, am a rancher. Our ranching is different than in other parts of Hyrule, where people are put in charge of small areas full of moose that are sealed off with mountains and rivers. My area is a small area, with about 10 moose. I guess it makes since, after all, I am only 14.We Sheikahs are a bit different than the others. For example, we have Stumwari's who are people who lead prayer and help in traditions. Im an apprentice Stumwari.…