Being with Michael: Part 1 (Book Two)

Being with Michael: Part 1 (Book Two)

61,583 2,804 73

The continuation of Paige and Michael's relationship in "Touring with Michael."This time, shit gets real. Life hits them in the face like they never knew it could. Hard.…

Touring With Michael (Book One)

Touring With Michael (Book One)

46,939 1,399 14

Paige just recently moved to California and is now auditioning to become a dancer for Michael Jackson's latest tour. Follow Paige in her journey on the set of Michael's tour and the unique relationship she forms with Michael throughout the journey. The story continues under "Being with Michael."…

The Girl She Truly Is

The Girl She Truly Is

18 1 1

She's a teenager struggling to live. She was raped. She was assaulted. She was chocked.She's been battling depression, panic disorder, OCD, and PTSD.Her dreams have seemingly been crushed over and over. This all sounds drastic but unfortunately these things are something many people may experience. Here's a story of one girl coping, and hopefully it inspires others to continue living too.This book is written as if Bailey is chronicling her life.…

Tony Stark's newest lady interest?

Tony Stark's newest lady interest?

70 3 4

This starts off after Captain America: Civil War so warning for some spoilers.Tony Stark/Iron Man is sent on a mission by the U.S. Department of State to deal with another "enhanced individual" causing trouble in Norway.The problem is, though, he just can't make himself turn her in.She intrigues him so much. It isn't love, but can it be?…