3 cats, 1 room

3 cats, 1 room

0 0 1

They battle it out on who the top dog is…

Bloodlust in the Alpine Peaks

Bloodlust in the Alpine Peaks

17 14 2

He locked his hands on Alex's neck. Their legs colliding against each other as a struggle breaks out between them. The creaking from the bookshelf, finally plummeted . Unleashing an ocean of books around them."Dan stop. I can't. We can't." Alex's voice wavers. His head perched down with embarrassment."We still have time" Dan replies, his voice a little raspy in the cold, winter morning. His fangs injected deep inside Alex's pale neck. His ocean coloured eyes turned completely black -not an inch of white was left..Blood leaked from where Alex had gotten bitten, a tingling sensation was left behind but he couldn't decide whether it was a gift or a punishment for his deeds. While Dan ran his fingers through his hair, he wiped the blood off his vermilion lips. And headed towards the dusty window that towered over the eerie forest wrapped in a blanket of fog. Heavy footsteps collided with the creaky floorboards before they diminished behind the doors of the library."What the fuck"Dan's eyes were replaced with sky blue ***********************************************************The story begins with a boy (Alex) who has inherited land from a renowned magician- his grandfather. However, it comes to a point where he realises that land is not the only thing he inherits from his grandfather. And his sister, saline who denies claims of her being a schizophrenic however someone out there shows her the real world. Both siblings explore the unique side of them with the help of vampires Read to find out more :)…

My karate-fighting soulmate

My karate-fighting soulmate

5 4 1

A girl who is new to a city has to overcome bullying from girls in from the office she works at. The CEO arrives one day and trains the girl to step up and take action, she learns karate and is sent to win underground illegal competitions. All happening while the CEO's eyes are being drawn towards her.…

Jace X Alec ( The shadowhunters)

Jace X Alec ( The shadowhunters)

4 2 1

"I can't just leave Magnus" Alex cried sitting helplessly on the ground of the eerie vampire den."Oh Please. I'm sure he's more capable at protecting himself. " He rolled his golden eyes unable to control his emotions. "You should be more worried about yourself" he says, his head nodding towards Alec's wounds from the vampire they defeatedAlec glares at him before he gets off the ground and limps towards the car. "Where are you going?" Jace slyly asks before slamming Alec against the wall.…