The lesbian and the pink princess

The lesbian and the pink princess

13,965 422 1

Marcie Langton has had nothing except shitty love. Then a mysterious brilliant beautiful pink hair girl shows up to her school, marcie can't help but to feel attached. But the pink princess has a boyfriend and is pretty sure she's not gay. While Marcie is trying to maintain a only friends relationship with pristine, her old flame Bella is trying to get back into her life. Marcie is also trying to help pristine find out what's going on with the house across the street, and why pristine's boyfriend is acting so wired all of a sudden. Can Marcie handle a only friendship between the most beautiful girl she's ever laid her eyes on? What's going on with pristine's boyfriend. What will happened between Marcie and pristine? What about Bella? Explore the Marcie's and pristine's relationship and what could happen next.…

The lesbian and the homophobe

The lesbian and the homophobe

658,654 13,647 12

Bella Gavin was a queen b as in bitch in her school. Everybody adored her, only because they were scared what the ice queen can do. Bella had everything, looks, popularity, money, intelligence, and the hottest guys as her boyfriend. One thing Bella can't stand is Marcy and her kind. Marcie Langton was a out of the closet lesbian and proud. Her parents were rich and very supportive, all her friends were out and proud and a lot of people respected and liked her. Of course there's is the homophobes but Marcy is chill and living life to the fullest. She's the sarcastic fun girl that everyone wants to hang around with. What will happen when Marcy and Bella be paired up in a class project?…