The Hidden Rose
Yui Komori lost her father Seiji Komori after a tragic accident. She felt all alone, but when Karl Heinz steps into the picture. He takes Yui to live with one of his wives Christa Sakamaki and Subaru Sakamaki. Yui then lives for the rest of her life with the Sakamaki brothers.A few years later Karl Heinz haves the Mukami brothers live with Yui and the Sakamaki brothers. However Yui learns that Seiji Komori wasn't her biological father, and discovers mysteries and truths, she joins her after birth brother Yukio and learns her past.But in a clan there is someone who is willing to take Yui and use her for evil. Yui will have to stop them before it's too late and she must choose her path for her future and her affection on Ayato Sakamaki.…