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" i wow't leave you, weather you like it or not your mine. And nothing is going to change that"Scince the day Jimin saved that small boy, that expression of his never seemed to evaporate from his mind.From constantly having to worry about how uncapable the other was to fend for himself to the fact that the boy never seemed to leave his side.And he never did, till that day.Jimin never was a privileged kid, so the day he found out his mother left him with his alcoholic father to run of with another man all he wanted to do was find his friend, though he didnt want to admit it, he needed him.Needed that constant admiration and love which the other projected at him.Jimin never showed weakness.And yet the one time he was prepaired to be vounerable, the small boy disapeared into thin air.Never to bee seen again.Adleast thats what he thought, because he sure found him again alright.but he wasnt that small weak defenceless boy he once knew.…