
GATE: "Peace Keeping" (Under Devolpment)

1,785 49 6

[SOME OF THE LOCATIONS IN RONOGRAD ISLAND ARE OUTDATED][Warning: This will both be similar and different from the game. I am in no way associated with Platinum Five, Gameloaded Entertainment or Gnar. This is just pure fanfiction, as I also like the game.]A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Ronograd City a year after the island's liberation from the RLF and PoD.From the gate poured out monsters, knights from medieval Europe, and other fantasy-like beings.They began a systematic slaughter of the citizens of Ronograd Capital and laid siege to the UN Headquarters.For the first time since the liberation of Ronograd Island just last year, the streets of Ronograd became a battlefield.Due to their unrestrained arrogance, the Empire of Sadera immediately sought to claim the exotic lands on the other side of the gate.However, they would soon realize the inferiority of their own military.Once the UNJTF military forces and Platinum 5 operators mobilized, they attacked the invaders with their advanced military technology, forcing a tactical retreat from the city.This ginormous unprovoked attack on the City of Ronograd, not seen since the invasion of Ronograd Island by the hands of the terrorist groups of the Patriots of Democracy and Ronograd Liberation Front, would be known as the "Second Battle of Ronograd City."In retaliation, the United Nations sends the United Nations Joint Task Force and Platinum 5 to the alternate world beyond the gate, thus beginning the Great Falmart War.We will follow certain groups of people from both the nations of Earth and the kingdoms of Falmart to set the stage for the bloodiest conflict Falmart has ever seen.…

GATE: Roll Out (Initial Draft)

GATE: Roll Out (Initial Draft)

931 37 1

A mysterious ancient-looking Gate suddenly materialized in the heart of Washington DC, captivating the attention of bewildered onlookers.With an inexplicable surge of energy, the Gate unleashed a torrential flood of otherworldly creatures.Monstrous beings, hailing from the darkest corners of folklore, emerged alongside armored knights reminiscent of medieval Europe. The realm of fantasy had shattered the barriers of reality and intruded upon the unsuspecting inhabitants of the nation's capital.These creatures wasted no time in unleashing chaos and mayhem, launching a ruthless onslaught upon the innocent denizens of Washington DC.The streets of the American capital, once teeming with the rhythms of everyday life, transformed into a grotesque battleground, where survival and valor intertwined in a deadly dance.Meanwhile, the Empire of Sadera, driven by their hubris and an insatiable thirst for conquest, wasted no time in attempting to claim the untamed lands beyond the enigmatic Gate.However, their grand ambitions were destined to crumble beneath the weight of their own arrogance.As the United States Military and the formidable Autobots joined forces and mobilized with unwavering determination, the tide of the battle swiftly shifted.The unprovoked assault on the heart of American democracy, a calamity reminiscent of the infamous Deception Invasion, became forever etched in history as "The Second Battle of DC."In a retaliatory act of defiance, the US government dispatched the Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty, known as NEST, to the alternate world beyond the enigmatic Gate.Thus, the stage was set for an epic clash of civilizations from the nation's of Earth, to the distant planet of Cybertron, to the enigmatic Kingdoms of the large continent of Falmart, setting the stages of a bloody conflict the people of the Empire of Sadera has ever seen in their 600 years of tyrannical rule over the continent of Falmart.…

GATE: The Hammer And Sickle (Remake on the way)

GATE: The Hammer And Sickle (Remake on the way)

596 30 1

(Before we start would like to know that I do NOT support the USSR or it's leaders (except Mikhail Gorbachev) so please do not take this seriously as it is an alternate version of the USSR.)A mysterious ancient looking Gate appeared in Red Square, Moscow sometime in the 21st century.From the Gate pours out monsters, knights from middle-age Europe, and other fantasy-like beings, and they began a systematic slaughter of the citizens of the Soviet Capital and lay siege on the Kremlin.For the first time since the end of the Patriotic War, the streets of The USSR became a battlefield.It was because of this their very own unrestrained arrogance The Empire of Sadera immediately sought to claim the exotic lands beyond the other side of the Gate.But would be shown just how inferior their own military truly was.Once the Red Army mobilized, the battle became a massacre.The unprovoked attack on Soviet soil not seen since Operation Barbarossa would be known as the"Red Square Incident"In retaliation from this the Soviet Government sends the Red Army to the alternate world beyond the Gate. Thus beginning the Soviet-Saderan War.We will follow certain groups of people from both the nations of Earth and the kingdom's of Falmart to set the stage for the bloodiest conflict Falmart has ever seen.…

GATE: Awakening The Sleeping Giant (V1)

GATE: Awakening The Sleeping Giant (V1)

205,083 3,878 73

A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate poured out monsters, knights from medieval Europe, and other fantasy-like beings, and they began a systematic slaughter of the citizens of the U.S. capital, laying siege to the White House. For the first time since the War of 1812, the streets of the United States became a battlefield. Due to their unrestrained arrogance, the Empire of Sadera immediately sought to claim the lands on the other side of the gate. However, they would soon realize just how inferior their own military truly was.Once the U.S. military mobilized, they attacked the invaders with their advanced technology, forcing only a thousand of them to retreat while killing or capturing the rest. This unprovoked attack on U.S. soil, not seen since September 11th, 2001, would be known as the "Washington Incident." In retaliation, the U.S. government sends the United States Marine Corps to the alternate world beyond the gate, thus beginning the American-Saderan War. We will follow certain groups of people from both the nations of Earth and the kingdoms of Falmart to set the stage for the bloodiest conflict Falmart has ever seen.…

Gate Reacts

Gate Reacts

7,479 129 4

This is basically a spin off of my other story Gate Awakening The Sleeping Giant so enjoy…