Lonely Hearts ▷ Peter Parker | ✓

Lonely Hearts ▷ Peter Parker | ✓

846,293 42,027 55

LONELY HEARTS | ❝You don't have to be a hero, just like I don't have to be sad all the time, but sometimes fate works in strange ways and, well, here we are❞ PRE-CIVIL WAR → HOMECOMING | PETER PARKERBOOK ONE IN THE HERO OF HEROES SERIESPlot: tinkertaydust#25 in Fanfiction [8/13/17]Cover by: voidkhaleesi…

Past Lives ▷ Steve Rogers | ✓

Past Lives ▷ Steve Rogers | ✓

196,589 13,735 33

PAST LIVES | ❝Past lives couldn't ever hold me down, lost love is sweeter when it's finally found. I've got the strangest feeling. This isn't our first time around❞POST: CIVIL WAR | STEVE ROGERSBOOK TWO IN THE HERO OF HEROES SERIESCOVER BY: voidkhaleesi…

Broken Lullaby ▷ Tony Stark | ✓

Broken Lullaby ▷ Tony Stark | ✓

483,421 23,725 52

BROKEN LULLABY | ❝I know I wasn't there for you before, and I'll regret that for the rest of my life. But I'm here now, and I'm never leaving either of you ever again.❞POST: CIVIL WAR/POST SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING | TONY STARKA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCOVER BY: voidkhaleesi…

1 | Almost Happy ▷ Sam Wilson | ✓

1 | Almost Happy ▷ Sam Wilson | ✓

143,684 10,485 47

ALMOST HAPPY | ❝Why do we hate cliches? Sure, they're overused, but name one person who wouldn't give everything to have a happy ending.❞POST: CIVIL WAR | SAM WILSONBOOK THREE IN THE HERO OF HEROES SERIESCOVER BY: voidkhaleesi…

2 | Ever After ▷ Sam Wilson

2 | Ever After ▷ Sam Wilson

5,277 418 9

EVER AFTER | ❝I don't need happily ever after. Just give me one more once upon a time.❞FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER | SAM WILSONSEQUEL TO ALMOST HAPPYA HERO OF HEROES BOOK…

Human Condition ▷ Natasha Romanoff

Human Condition ▷ Natasha Romanoff

34,800 1,203 9


Lost Girl ▷ Bucky Barnes

Lost Girl ▷ Bucky Barnes

31,921 1,809 6

LOST GIRL | ❝Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters❞PRE-THE FIRST AVENGER → POST: INFINITY WAR | BUCKY BARNESA HERO OF HEROES BOOKPlot: OrenshiCover by: soulofstaars…

Skinny Love ▷ T'Challa Udaku

Skinny Love ▷ T'Challa Udaku

73,397 4,174 12

SKINNY LOVE | ❝I tell my love to wreck it all. Cut out all the ropes and let me fall❞BLACK PANTHER | T'CHALLA UDAKUA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: voidkhaleesi…

Sleeping Beauty ▷ Peter Parker

Sleeping Beauty ▷ Peter Parker

60,088 1,559 5

SLEEPING BEAUTY | ❝There are many kinds of love in this world, but never the same love twice.❞POST SPIDER:MAN-HOMECOMING | PLATONIC! PETER PARKERA HERO OF HEROES NOVELLACover by: voidkhaleesi…

Art Deco ▷ Ned Leeds | ✓

Art Deco ▷ Ned Leeds | ✓

104,494 8,337 30

ART DECO | ❝put your life out on the line, you're crazy all the time❞SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING | NED LEEDSA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCOVER BY: zellasdays…

Little Mermaid ▷ Ned Leeds

Little Mermaid ▷ Ned Leeds

8,846 662 7

LITTLE MERMAID | ❝Be nothing except your whole, unapologetic self. Be nothing except what you truly are and what you wish to be; others will see you and those that will love you will see you the way you wish.❞POST SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING | PLATONIC!NED LEEDSA HERO OF HEROES BOOK…

Amor Vincit ▷ Thor Odinson

Amor Vincit ▷ Thor Odinson

64,983 3,957 17

AMOR VINCIT | ❝Love conquers all.❞THOR: RAGNAROK | THOR ODINSONA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: voidkhaleesi…

Carpe Nihil ▷ Loki Laufeyson

Carpe Nihil ▷ Loki Laufeyson

14,479 983 5

CARPE NIHIL | ❝Act not because you have everything to gain, but because you have everything to lose.❞THOR: RAGNAROK | LOKI LAUFEYSONA HERO OF HEROES STORYCover by: soulofstaars…

Fool's Gold ▷ Clint Barton

Fool's Gold ▷ Clint Barton

13,034 925 6

FOOL'S GOLD | ❝Love is a dangerous game built for people that like to be fooled.❞PRE → CAPTAIN AMERICA: WINTER SOLDIER | CLINT BARTONA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: lokidyinginside…

Inside Voices ▷ Bruce Banner | ✓

Inside Voices ▷ Bruce Banner | ✓

108,035 6,040 29

INSIDE VOICES | ❝Inside every person is another who just wants to be free.❞POST AVENGERS: ASSEMBLE | BRUCE BANNERA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: lookingforlucy…

Cecily Smith ▷ Steve Rogers

Cecily Smith ▷ Steve Rogers

6,100 459 4

CECILY SMITH | ❝Live every day as if it were your last. Because, one day, it will be.❞CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER | STEVE ROGERSA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: soulofstaars…

Laughter Lines ▷ Tony Stark

Laughter Lines ▷ Tony Stark

11,020 760 5

LAUGHTER LINES | ❝It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.❞MARVEL AU | YOUNG!TONY STARKA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: veingeances…

Great Expectations ▷ Shuri Udaku

Great Expectations ▷ Shuri Udaku

8,674 567 4

GREAT EXPECTATIONS | ❝Never forget that, at the end of the day, happiness is sweeter than success.❞BLACK PANTHER | SHURI UDAKUA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by: voidkhaleesi…

Stone Cold ▷ Gamora

Stone Cold ▷ Gamora

9,775 609 5

STONE COLD | ❝I was screaming at the top of my lungs about everything that was hurting underneath my skin, but all the world heard from me was silence.❞GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL.1 & VOL. 2 | GAMORAA HERO OF HEROES BOOKPlot by: starfragmentCover by: lookingforlucy…

Case Closed ▷ Peter Quill

Case Closed ▷ Peter Quill

4,384 376 3

CASE CLOSED | ❝Shoot for the stars, but don't forget the ones who helped you make the rocket.❞POST GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL. 2 | PETER QUILLA HERO OF HEROES BOOKCover by @lookingforlucy…