Can anybody hear me

Can anybody hear me

94 0 2

Sonic is a 16 year old boy who is extremely suicidal after losing his whole family. Will anybody hear his please for help before it's to late?…

Can somebody please love me

Can somebody please love me

301 5 2

Kionxbunga kion was born into a family who couldn't care less about him. What happens when kion is chased away from his home and finds himself in front of a gentle honey badger. Will kion finally have a caring soul or will he be abandoned.…

Untitled Part 1
Lost with out you

Lost with out you

112 0 1

Kion xjesiri , bungaxkion what happens when kiara is killed by janja and Kion falls into a deep depression. Will jesiri pull him out of it or will he fall into a suicidal rage. Or will a certain honey badger be his rescuer…