The new beginning with her

The new beginning with her

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This story is about how mafia boy fall in love with softie girl and how they make their life..<3 A gentle soul, with heart so light,Softly spoken, in the quiet night.Her words are whispers, her touch is kind,A calming presence, one of a kind.Her smile is warm, her eyes are bright,A sweet demeanor, a heart so tight.She feels deeply, loves with all her might,A compassionate spirit, shining so bright.<3 A mysterious figure, with eyes so cold,A calculating gaze, stories untold.His presence commands, attention is key,A quiet confidence, a hint of secrecy.He walks the fine line, between right and wrong,A gray area dweller, where loyalty is strong.His code is his own, his rules he makes,A mafia boy, with a heart that partakes.I'm not like expert's but I hope you like it!<3 Staring date:- 17 July 2024…



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So 'Siya' go to nainital for business where she meet 'Yuvaan' and business buddy to life partner journey.Two hearts, once separate, now entwined,Together they beat, a love divine.In each other's eyes, they see a friend,A bond so strong, that will never end.Hand in hand, they walk the way,Through life's ups and downs, they face the day.With every step, their love grows true,A beautiful journey, for me and you.Together they dream, under starry skies,Their love a flame, that burns with sweet surprise.In each other's hearts, they find a place,A love so strong, that time and space won't erase.…