Bringer of Justice

Bringer of Justice

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War is a unforgiving thing created by petty leaders not being able to sort matters out maturely. War brings pain, death, destruction and many more adjectives. Gods have always been apart of this world, yet they turned a blind eye when it came to the current war between belief and spite, fertility and infertility, peace and suffering. Why would these Gods turn their backs on their believers? And how did both sides of war end up lost to time, leaving not a single ash left of their existence?…



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... This world is ending. And this is the consequences of delusional people. People who believed in a Goddess, rather then a God. When the world was at war, people stopped believing in God, and decided to create one to save them. A cult, you might say. They would go to great lengths to meet this Goddess. To end her life. Legend had it that when she was born into this world by her cult, she killed them off. All 502 people that was in that cult..or atleast that's what most thought. Few survived the massacre. They swore to end the life they created for all the lives lost that day. But that was 2500 years ago. The cult has been living in the shadows.. Until now. They would do anything to bring the Goddess out of hiding and end her life.Anything.This is the story of how I, a normal guy that doesn't know what the fuck is going on half the time, attempt to save the world. Why do I need to save the world? Let's just say these pricks go through great measures to try and kill her. And I mean, they will really fuck the place up to make it a reality.(I know the cover is shit, but I don't have inspiration to make it better. Anyways, enjoy.)…