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{COMPLETE}First of all: The Divergent Series doesn't belong to me but the amazing Veronica Roth. Second of all: Tris never dies, Four never dates Christina, Caleb will always be a Erudite. Third of all: Disclaimer: I respect Ms. Roth's ending, but I still love Tris, so here I am. I also don't own Divergent.EXCERPT FROM TOBIAS' POV:'That is how I lost my temper.I couldn't stand her. Or David. Or The precious, ever-so-worthy Bureau. I punched her square in the nose, and she fell. Weakling. Do these so-called Pures know how to fight? I kick her, until someone pulls me away. I hear them mutter, "stupid Dauntless soldiers. Why is this my job, taking them to David?"'EXCERPT FROM TRIS' POV:'Mom?" I say, softly, and she embraces me. But this time it is not a tug towards death, but rather the opposite. A string to life. "Beatrice," she says, and I break from the hug. "I just wanted to say to you that I am so proud of you, Beatrice. You are strong, brave, intelligent, and beautiful. I can tell you are going to have a great future with Tobias." Then she says to me what she said to me a month ago, an hour before I had met Tobias/Four, and exactly 50 minutes before I had met Christina. "I love you. No matter what." My arms wrap around her again, and we embrace until she fades, and I get back into reality. But before I fall out of the dream I say "I love you, too, Mom. I always will."'…