Champions (NHL smuts & Fluff)

Champions (NHL smuts & Fluff)

60,916 165 10

I will write about anyone but if I don't know them tell me their team so I can do research if needed. I also can't write with the y/n formate because I'm stupid so every image will have a name I make up unless you give me one.…

The Tells of Hallowgreen

The Tells of Hallowgreen

1,330 48 10

In 1904, Christopher Lightwood was sent to the Hallowgreen Manor in hopes of getting better training. It's there he falls in love with the mysterious Sage. She is beautiful and soft spoken and somehow has a aura that draws Christopher in. There love is put to the test when Sage's brother goes missing and it takes everything in her power along with some of Christopher's friends to help find him and put a stop to who took him.WARNING: Mature content…

Connection {A Cyrus Dobre Story}

Connection {A Cyrus Dobre Story}

28,163 351 35

"You really like him don't you." Dari asks me sitting next to me. "Yeah I do." I say looking down at the gym floor. "Do something about it." He says. "I can't. I don't know what do to Dari. You have known me since middle school. I have never felt this way towards anyone and I don't know how to handle it." I say letting a tear slip. "Your right I do know you. The Harley I know wouldn't just sit around doing nothing she would confront it." He says putting his arm around me. "How do I confront something that I don't know?" I ask him leaning towards him. "Harley you are like a little sister to me. I can't stand to see you like this." He says hugging me. "What's wrong?" Dari asks me hugging me. "He hate me." I say crying onto his shoulder. "I will take care of this." He says. "Don't. Please you can do something you will regret." I say grabbing his arm. "Your my best Friend. I wouldn't regret anything if it's protecting you." He says smiling at me. "I can deal with it." I say hugging him. I grew up with the brothers. Dari and I being the same age and being so close everyone thought we would eventually be a couple. It didn't end like that. I fell for his brother Cyrus. Cyrus Dobre a 24 year old. He is the sweetest guy I know. But life isn't always so great. With a good life comes some problems. I'm also depressed. My dad left me. My mom don't care. If it wasn't for the brothers I would be dead literally.…



397 7 8

Hailey was just a normal top fan till a danger changed her life…

I'm In Love With A Shadow Hunter

I'm In Love With A Shadow Hunter

22,823 371 26

17 year old Grace get kidnapped by her shadow Hunter dad. Only to find out that he is keeping her safe the women who she thought was her mom is really a witch who is trying to get her powers. She meets Clarey and she introuces her to Alec, Jace, and Isabelle. What happens when she finds out he's in love with her? What happens when she find out that she loves him to?…

Martinez Twins Images

Martinez Twins Images

1,241 8 7


WELCOME TO TEAM TEN &An Emilio Martinez story&

WELCOME TO TEAM TEN &An Emilio Martinez story&

1,087 4 12

I am Molly grace but I go by Grace. I am 17 years old. I make YouTube videos and I'm dating Emilio Martinez.…